Chapter 25

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Not edited

Matthew's POV-

     I stared in the mirror not sure of what to say, It looked horrible. The angry red scar ran down from my brow down my cheek and trailed off of my jaw. It was a straight line from my dad falling at the same time as he scarred me again. My iris was a milky white color and the pupil was barely visible. It looked like it was a corpse eye. Being as emo and disturbed as I am, I've looked at a few pictures of corpse eye's thanks to the internet.

  They surely didn't think I would go out in public with this eye did they? Well yeah I did already but that was because I didn't see it yet. How could Trey let me out lookin' like this? I looked like an old time bandit.

   Finally shaking my head from my trance, I moved away from the mirror and saw them staring at me. I hate stares, so I quietly walked up the stairs and when I was atop the stair case and out of sight, I ran to my room and shut the door quietly.

   I went to my bed and flopped down with tears starting to run down my cheeks. I knew that soldier could look out on his life and feel optimistic and I thought I would to, but I can't. I looked ugly, even more ugly than before. Hugging Miko to my chest I cried softly until my eye caught the closet. I blew my nose in a tissue and walked over to the closet, dumping the tissue in the waste basket I opened the door.

   Inside my worst fears spilled on a once clean, pure, white paper. Tainted with my nightmares I picked up the paper. I unrolled it and looked at it with my one good eye, but something was odd, with my other eye I saw all the dead animals were alive and happy, the fucked up flower was a beautiful daisy, and the shadow man was me.

   I scared myself so bad I ripped it up and backed away from the paper. I sat on the bed and closed my good eye. Looking out my dead eye I saw the world in a different light, there was a little girl in the corner staring at me. I opened my good eye and looked around, the girl wasn't there. When I closed it again she was back.

    The little girl was dressed in a little pink dress and had two pink bows wrapped around her pigtails. She had porceline skin and big blue eyes, her hair was blonde and curled. She looked like she belonged in a movie for a horror picture about a little devil child. But she looked innocent. She carried a stuffed homemade bunny. The eyes were buttons and it was obviously old.

"Hello" I said. I startled her and she ran toward the wall and disappeared. I opened both eyes and it looked the same.

"What the fuck? Okay, now Im convinced Im nuts" I spoke to myself.

 I heard a soft knock on the door and grabbed my eye patch. I put it on not wanting to see out of it. I slowly opened my door to see Trey smiling lovingly at me, I let him in and his smiled faltered as he saw the paper shreds on the floor.

"If you wanted a confetti party all you had to do was ask" He said smiling not taking this situation seriously, I frowned at him.

"This isn't funny, my eye is fucked up and my face looks disguting! All you can do is joke?" I snapped turning around and sitting on my bed letting the tears fall.

"Hey" He said wrapping his arms around my body "I love you. Nothing is ever going to change that" He kissed the back of my neck and I sighed softly.

"Something is seriously fucked up with me" I said leaning back to him.

"Really? I hadn't noticed" I could feel him smile and I laughed weakly. I turned to face him

"I mean, I saw something that wasn't there, and my drawings are...are....scary I guess would be to desribe it"  He looked confused and picked up the pieces of paper, grabbing tape he taped it back together and gasped.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now