Chapter 17

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Matthew's POV-

I had just finished talking with my social worker and Mr.Lockheart. We have agreed to have a small trial period to see if I could adapt to the major changes. She has also agreed by herself that I would take couseling and have a physical and mental exam done. The doctors checked me out and except for malnutrition and dehydration I was perfectly fine.

"So...We have your room all set up and....Ahem just be in before curfew" Mr.Lockheart said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. I knew he was weird with me but come on.

"Thanks" I said and looked anywhere but at him, The feeling was mutal.

"Uh so...Doctors say your ok then?" He asked, I nodded

"Great" He said

"Yeah" I answered back

"So uhm after lights out no one is allowed of their room just to let you know" He said I scoffed

"Holy cow, Im not going to jump Trey in the middle of the night" I said. He flinched

"No I just meant if my son came up to your room and- uh- I meant- Uhh.." He stuttered

"I got it, after this week I have decided Im never having sex again" He flinched at the mention of sex and I rolled my eyes

"Sorry" I said

"No Im sorry Im just not use to-Ahhh- I mean not that its a bad thing its just-I should go now" He said miserably. I chuckled after he left my room. Well at least he's trying I thought. I was waiting for Trey to bring me some clothes because mine were covered in blood and mud.

I spent most of my day in the hospital watching t.v. mainly pokemon. Not the new episodes but the old ones when it was just Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu. But man it'd be so awsome to have a pikachu, Or a Articuno, maybe even Mew.

After a while I got bored and hungry so I pushed the little nurse button. I waited for ten minutes and someone finally came in.

"Yes dear?" She asked in a angelic tone

"Im so sorry to bother but Im kinda hungry" I said miserably

"Oh Im so sorry I will get it right away" She said and scurried off

I sighed and waited patiently as my stomach decided now was a good time to start a conversation. It growled and growled and I just kept saying over and over "Wait goddamit!"

  She came back with food. Not that it was good but it was better than what I would have been eating if I was still living with Kt...Frozen microwaveable foods. Or cereal or even crackers.

"Thank you" I said

"No problem" She said and hummed a tune as she walked out of the room. I began to dig in until a man appeared at the door. I rubbed my eyes to see if I was imagining it but he shook his head no.

"Im real trust me" He said and entered

"Who are you?" I asked looking at my food longingly

"My name is Dario Johnson...We have the same mother" I looked up at him and saw the resemblance of the boy in the picture

"Oh" I said and looked down

"Y'know I am a FBI agent right? Of course not." He said not even letting me answer his question

"So what do you want?" I asked sipping my milk

"Well I went home and discovered my family was put in the hospital" He said staring at me intently

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now