Chapter 21

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Not edited

Trey's POV-

    After I was all cried out I retired to my room. My family hates me and my first love dumped me because he thought it was better this way. Fuck that! He's selfish is what he is. He left purposly so I would be the only one to deal with the family hating me.

"What?" I asked to the person knocking on my door. It was Rachel

"Hey how you doing?" She asked sweetly

"What do you want." I snapped burying my face into my pillow

"I seriously thought you and Matthew would stay together but I guess he had other plans, that didn't include you" She sat down on my bed uninvited.

"Go away! Just because Matthew and I broke up that doesn't mean im going to go back to you!" I said turning away from her

"Fine!" She huffed then stormed out of my room slamming my door

     My heart hurt. My head hurt from all the crying. I looked over and saw Meeko sitting on my dresser. I groaned and walked over to my dresser and I picked Meeko up and threw him at the wall making the plush doll land into the waste basket.

    I could feel my throat tightening and I knew it was only a matter of seconds before I started crying. I went over to my bed and fell down on it. When I was about to fall asleep my phone buzzed. I picked it up with a sigh and read the text without looking at the sender.

    Trey Im so sorry for what I did. It was for your protection, Kt had people watching me. Im fine, hes sending me to Paris, France and we're going to flee somewhere. He won't tell me where though.         

   I love you Trey and that will never change.


    He dumped me because he was protecting me? That thought made me smile, It wasn't us he was being forced to do it. Now all I had to do was go bring him back from....Paris.

   I frowned and got on my laptop. Tickets to France was way too much for my allowance. I groaned, I almost had him back and now I couldn't get him.

"Trey?" It was Seth

"Come in" I said still frowning at my laptop

"Hey I heard the fight you had with Mac, but thats no reason to be mad at your laptop." He said walking over to me looking over my shoulder.

"France? Whats in France?" He asked

"My Angel is in France" I said thinking of alternative ways to get him back

"Why don't you call Dario Johnson?" He asked me

"Who?" I looked up at him

"Dario Johnson, Matthews half brother hes the FBI agent and hes a bounty hunter." He said looking at my laptop

"Whats his number and how do you know that much?" I scrambled out of bed to grab my phone off my desk

"I talked to him when we were at the hospital for the second time." He handed me a business card and I dialed the number. I waited and heard him pick up

"Hello? This is Trey Lockheart, Matthew is my boyfriend and I think I know where Kt is...Yes Matthew told me they were going to Paris France and then leaving as soon as his plane lands" I explained

"Okay the french government will be there to pick him up" He said

"Hes going to be okay right?" I asked

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now