Chapter 9

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  Yep, Here I am at the F.B.I office inside their conversation room crying my eyes out after I utterly humiliated myself in front of the arresting officer. I decided to just stop crying and not answer anything they ask. But it is going to be very hard especially since K.t. Isn't here to tell lies for me, he was always so good at it but I on the other hand sucked. I could barely lie my way through middle school when everyone asked if I was gay.

  I looked up at the door after hearing a click and watched two agents walk in coming over to the table.

"So Matthew do you know why we are here?" Aaron asked me. I didn't anwer they must have thought I didn't know considering the fact they went on to tell me

"We have found some incriminating evidence on a website that you were exploited to child pornography and abuse. Is that true?" Still I said nothing

"Ok listen kid!" The other man said which caused me to whimper in fear

"We have the evidence to put away Kevin Torreto now you need to tell us where he is! There is nothing more you can do to protect him. So if you cooperate I promise we'll make sure you go to a safe home" I scolded at him and turned my head away from both of them like a stuck up rich bitch.

"Matthew please tell us why you are protecting him? Especially after he hit you, exploited you to strangers, sold you at auctions, and humiliates you every chance he gets. Not to mention when he forces you to do things you don't want." I looked at him deciding to screw with them.

"Your right, He does force me to do things I don't want to" I looked at him with sad eyes

"Like?" They pressed on

"Like...Joining football when I hate sports" I bursted out laughing then adding "Dude im not telling you anything" They started getting frustrated and the second agent slammed his fist on the table

"Stop screwing around kid! Do you know why we want him so much! Its because hes a suspect in the murder case of a young boy! Timothy Allens! He was about 13 years old." He yelled and threw down a file of pictures on the table of a dismembered body of a boy

K.t. wouldn't do that, yeah he was mean and can lose his temeper fairly quickly at times but he would never kill a child, Especially a boy when he knew there was money to be made. No he wouldn't if he was going to kill a boy it would have been me, I mean seriously I was the easiest target for him. I would have cowered at the first site of a weapon, but then again I was his most prized possesion and if I went he would go back to selling drugs and that pays half of what I sell for.  I stopped looking at the papers and slid them over to the agents

"So you see why we want to help you? He will kill you if he is free" I shook my head at them and said

"I want a lawyer" I had a lawyer who knew why my case is so fragile, He was one of my clients and if I went down he'd go down along with many U.S. governers and rich ambassadors from europe,cuba, and Asia.

They immediately stopped questioning and left with a scowl and disgusted look on their face.

An hour later my lawer came to the office keeping a calm state and sat with me in the interrogation room. He asked me what happened and I whispered every detail to him.

"They never read you your rights?" He asked suprised and I shook my head

"No" I said

"Come on" He said walking me to the door and opening it for me leading me out of the office.

"Where do you think your going with our suspect?" They asked angrily

"You did not read my client his rights and under penalty of the law we are free to go and dropped of all charges, Unless you can provide new evidence. But until then we are leaving" Mr.Cole my lawer said walking me to his car.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now