Chapter 4

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    The next day I woke up still freezing. I wasn't even sure if it was morning or night because the basement had no windows. Well actually it had one small window just an inch above the grass at the side of the house, But Kt had spray painted it black from the inside.

"I'm cold" The sound of my own voice startled me for a moment because it was so quiet it was like church. So I said it again but louder.

I heard the sound of the basement door being unlocked and when it opened I squinted from being deprived of it for so long. Kt slowly stalked down the steps.

"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to wake up at two in the afternoon." Kt said unlocking the collar around my neck and taking it off. He threw a robe at me then walked across the room to turn on the lights where my kennel was. He liked to put me there when I was acting like a  "disobedient no good whore."

I put on the black silk robe which the hem of it went mid thigh, not touching my knees.

"Um-uh-I..." I was scared to talk because he said I was not suppose to unless he let me.

"What." he said annoyed.

"I'm not going to school anymore?" I asked softly avoiding eye contact.

"Of course you are dumb-ass! What, you think you can lay around here all day?!" he said walking up to me and getting in my face.

"N-no I j-just thought because of what hap- Of what I did, I'm so sorry." I quivered  in fear as he inched closer to me and kneeled. He put his hand under my jaw and roughly jerked my head up to meet his eyes.

"You are just staying here for the rest of the week because you will most likely screw things up the moment you walk into that goddamned school!" He yelled every word as his grip tightened on my jaw making me squirm.

  I didn't speak but I did give out a few grunts of pain as my eyes blurred over with tears threatening to fall. He let me go and grabbed my arm dragging me up the basement stairs. He threw me on the floor by the entrance of the house and turned around to lock the door to the basement that was located under the staircase leading to the second story upstairs. I quickly got up as he turned around.

"Go get dressed, the social worker is coming over" He said as he turned toward the kitchen. I wanted to ask why but I knew better than to question him.

  I hopped in the shower for a quick scrub feeling very sick of having a million eyes watch me in a "private" moment. By now you'd think i'd be use to it, but no I just can't handle posing for cameras', texting clients on my 'work phone', meeting tricks for a one nighter, or having 'consensual' sex with K.T. for our secret website.

  At one time I really did love K.T. he was my knight in sexy levi's getting me out of the orphanage  treating me like I was his prince, that he actually wanted me but instead wanted me for easy,simple money and his own pleasure.

First he used to say he loved me for helping him provide for "US" after I would pose for pictures that were not to revealing. Then he started getting a little verbally abusive which I thought I could make better by telling him how to make triple the money ( by having me pose nude in pictures) hoping to make him did but only for a short while. He then told me we'd do live shows I didn't understand what he had in mind at the time but found out after he raped me and caught it all on film. He posted it and in one week made $1,200.

    I teared up thinking that he could never love me as a boyfriend let alone a son.

I rinsed off and dried myself. I walked into my bedroom and opened my dresser drawers putting on a white and grey stripped T-shirt, over that a small black v-neck hoodie, and of course black ripped skinny jeans with plain white sock. I din't feel like shoes because I wouldn't be going anywhere so I fixed my hair and make up. I put in some new lip rings and cleaned my tongue ring. I grabbed my i-pod nano which I love because its slim and not as bulky as the I-pod touch.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now