Chapter 33

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Hey guys so this is probably just going to be a filler chapter becaus Im really not sure what its going to be about....hopefully its good and I really enjoy feedback. Also you guys can toss out some ideas on what you would like to see on the next book. Like for example: a flying purple unicorn named Spacky who shits chocolate chips....


Matthew's POV-


I turned over and felt me lying ontop of something hard but really warm. I smiled and snuggled closer to it when I felt the rock move. I frowned and opened my eyes to see that the rock was actually Trey who was smiling in amusement.

"Matt" I looked up to see Dario standing in the doorway holding up a paper. I blinked lazily, yawned, stretched, then answered.

"ugh" I replied

"Well caveman i've got a letter here"

"I can see that" I mumbled diving under the covers and up to Trey's side

"Its from the Manhatten Acadamy."

I snapped my eyes to attention and looked at the envelope.


"Whats so great about the school?" Trey asked

"Its the best art school like, in the world. They teach anything to do with art, creative writing, music, dance, and acting." I answered smiling but it faltered as I looked at Trey who was unsure of the situation.

"What's wrong?" I asked rubbing his arm lovingly

"Nothing, its just that this is for New York. Like far away New York" I frowned understanding his predicament

"Well I just won't go" I said tossing the envelope to the trash

"Hun I can't let you do that. Like you said its the best school and considering you are very gifted you have to go." He said softly kissing my cheek

"Don't you want me to stay?" I asked frowning

"Of course but I mean c'mon, if I got recruited from the Chicago bears wouldn't you want me to go?" He asked

"No...well maybe...I don't know" I said

"Im happy for you" He said ending the conversation with a heated kiss, well that is until an uncomfortable Dario decided now was the time to clear his throat.

"So, we should get ready shouldn't we?" He asked. I completely forgot, Today was Seth's graduation and party. I can't believe the year is up next week.

"Yeah, lets hit the showers" Trey said with his signature smirk. I smiled and blushed then looked at Dario who was giving the 'Yeah-Right' look. I pushed myself off the bed and crawled to my wardrobe where I grabbed my clothes out.

"You can take the guest shower, Trey" Dario said. Trey nodded laughing then slowly got up.

"See ya in a bit, love" Trey said grabbing his dirty clothes and walking down the hall.

"Well Im gonna get cooking. Want anything for breakfast kid?" He asked leaning against my doorframe. I shook my head no and he nodded leaving.

I opened my newly renevated bathroom and turned on the powerful florescents from the mirror lights. I smiled knowing it was my own bathroom and nobody but me could use it...unless Trey really had to go then i'd let him.

"I know you, I've walked with you once upon a dream

I know you the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now