Chapter 11

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Trey's POV-

  I was holding my sweet little angel's hand as I sat by his side in the hospital bed. Did I cause this?

"Yes" I whispered to myself. I caused it and my angel is paying for it. Why can't I just have a normal life? A boyfriend who won't hurt himself because I hurt him, Or a family who loves me no matter what.

  I felt a small movement on the bed and looked to Matthew. He was stirring in his endless sleep. I waited holding my breath. His eyes fluttered open to show his big beautiful black eyes that can gaze into any soul. But now that I had a better look his eyes were different colors, One eye. His left eye was black and his right eye was blue? How dafuq could I miss that? He must have seen my confusion and softly whispered

"Its called Heterochromia"

"How come I haven't noticed until now?" I gazed him over and knew there was something different but couldn't put my finger on it till now. His hair wasn't covering his face! He was beautiful.

"Took you long 'nough" He croaked and started a fit of coughs. I handed him a glass of water.

"Thanks" He said clearer now

"Yeah" It was killing me to say but I had to

"What dafuq were you thinking? You could have died!" I half shouted but he frowned and said

"I was thinking my boyfriend dumped me for a slut, My mom is a bitch, and my dad was right to end my misery." he finished with a huff and a pout. I couldn't help but smile.

"Stop looking at me like that! Your creeping me out" He muttered at me

"Sorry but your so cute when you pout. I'd have to be an idiot to dump you"

"Then enroll in retard camp"

"I didn't breakup with you! Rachel jumped me and took my phone you can ask anybody! I swear I would never do that to you... I love you....Your blue eye has a gold color in the center too?" That last part I whispered to myself. It was un-fucking-believable

"Yeah that one is called central heterochromia, and you didn't dump me?" He looked at me so fragile it broke my still beating heart.

"Of course not, I just got you." I leaned over and kissed him slowly savouring the taste of his strawberry lip blam.

"I really thought- I just- I don't know I lost it" He whispered and started tearing up. I kissed away a tear that rolled down his cheek.


"Yes angel?"

"I think I love you too" I looked at him in shock and in a millisecond was kissing him cheerily causing him to laugh at my dorkiness.

"Hello boys" Doctor John said as he entered the room. He was my dads friend if your wondering.

"Hey doc" I said

"Matthew may I speak to you...Alone?" He said the last part looking at me and pointing to the door.

"Well I never!" I said dramatically and left with a promise I'd be right back.

Matthew's POV-

"So Matthew, I tried to call your guardian but he never answered, Is there anybody else we can call? An aunt or uncle?" I shook my head "Cousin? Family friend?" Again I shook my head no.

"Well if your guardian doesn't respond within twelve hours than im afraid that we're going to have to release you to the state and I really don't want that to happen" He said with a sorrowful face.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now