Chapter 23

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Not edited

Matthew's POV-

    I sighed and walked to my private bathroom, Im not gonna lie it was small but now I had to remember I wasn't rich anymore. All of Kt's assets have been frozen along with Ryan's. I took a shower and did my routine.

     Walking in my  room with a towel around my waist I ran across the cold wood floors to my closet and grabbed a shirt and belt. I went to my dresser and grabbed a pair of grey skinny jeans. To go with my black shirt I picked a pair of purple converse.

    After putting on guy-liner and combing my hair I bounded the steps downstairs to run smack into Seth. We both gave eachother a bashful smile and awkwardly walked around one another. I practically ran into the kitchen to get away from him.

   But as I ran I tripped over my un-tied sneaker and fell forward into Brayden who was holding orange juice. As predicted the juice fell on my shirt and jeans. Brayden and Trey who was in the kitchen started laughing at me as I picked myself up off the floor over to the paper towel and dried myself off as best as I could.

"Jee, thanks for making fun of a criple" I said mockingly. Trey tried to comfort me in a fit of laughs.

"I-im sorry babe! It was just to funny to resist" He said finally calming down.

"Why are you up anyways? Your suppose to be resting" Brayden said pouring himself another glass.

"I have a late lunch with my mom today and I couldn't really sleep that well" I said cautious of his drink.

"Oh well maybe it would be best if you tried to sleep, Dr.John said-" I cut Brayden off by holding my finger up

"I know what he said and it's not like Im going to rip this patch off and go to the carnival on the zipper. I just going to have a calm diner lunch with my mother." I said grabbing a apple after examining it.

"Alright Alright" He said holding his hands up defeated

"Babe we really have to put you on a carbo-load diet. Your too damn skinny" Trey said chewing food as he spoke, I winced at the sight of it but shook my head.

"Im fine" I said biting into the apple forcing myself not to throw the rest of the apple away

"Naw he's right..for once. If you were any skinnier we'd lose you completely" Brayden said shoving a plate with a piece of fried egg toward me.

"Uhm, Im sure I wouldn't disappear but..." I trailed off looking at the imaginary grease come off the egg. It was practically taunting me. Calling me a fat-whore, and super-sized slut. Ok so the egg had Kt's voice but in my mind I remember Kt starving me so I wouldn't get fat.

 The worst part boys in my foster home use to call me nicknames like, Mega-Matt and Fatty-Matty. They use to did it so much I would cry. Then I found out about Balimia, the best thing that has ever happened to me. I realized I could eat all I wanted and throw it up then it would seem like I never ate anything in the first place.

"Matthew? You okay?" Trey said leaning over me looking at me with concern

"Huh? Oh yeah Im fine just...ya know nervous" I said playing it off with a chuckle

"Nervous of an egg?" Brayden asked me raising an eye-brow

"What? No about my mom she sounded pretty desperate to see me when she called this morning to confirm the lunch date" I said twisting the apple stem. I only took two bites of the apple but I felt full. Im not sure why but I did feel full.

"Okay then...Aren't you going to finish your apple?" Trey asked pointing to it

"Uhm no not really. Why? Do you want it?" I asked holding it out to him, he shook his head and pushed it back in my direction.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now