Chapter 26

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Not edited

Matthew's POV-

I woke up feeling something hot and wet on my neck. I realized Trey had his head snuggled in my neck and was drooling on me. I freaked out and squirmed away from him. He hugged me tighter and jumped up startled when I bit his arm.

"Oh! Hey sorry" He apologized rubbing his eyes

"You were drooling on me." I said grabbing a wet tissue and wiping the saliva off my neck

"Sorry" He said wiping the drool off of his mouth with his arm

"Its fine"

"Matthew?!" Charlie called distressed

"Yeah?" I answered my heart beating quickly. Did Kt get out?

"Oh, thank god. I thought you were gone. When I checked in your room you weren't there" He said grabbing his chest letting out s sigh of relief. I smiled

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep so I came in here" I explained

"Well okay boys, get ready for school" He said walking down the hall most likely to check on his other kids.

"Im gonna go shower" I said hopping off the bed

"Is that an invite?" Trey asked smirking

"Maybe" I replied toying with him, he frowned

"Tease" I smiled and walked to my room

Going into my room I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I shut the door and placed my clothes on the sink so they wouldn't get wet. I started taking my clothes off only to hear somebody knocking on the other side of the door.

"Yeah?" I called out but it didn't stop knocking. I looked under the door and say the persons shadow. They had on black military boots, so I naturally assumed it was Broadie. I opened to door pulling my shorts back up. It wasn't him, It was a man I didn't see before.

He had a dark beard and wore a tan carhart jacket. He was big, with a beer belly and muscle, his arms were hairy and in his hands he held a clip board and a ruler. His jeans were worn out and a faded blue.

"Can I help you?" I asked

"I need to check your water pressure" I nodded and grabbed my clean shirt and pulled it on when I saw him looking at the word Slut. I was blushing and put my head down. After he tested the pressure he wrote something down and nodded saying it was fine. He left closing the door behind him. I locked it and pulled out a drawer from the sink past the door. If somebody was to open the door they wouldn't open it far with the drawer in the way. It remineded me of the scene from Scream when she pulled her closet door in front of her bedroom door and blocked it.

I took my clothes off and stepped in the shower turning the faucet on. It was cold at first and then warmed. I was washing my body when I heard something rattle. I looked up at the spray and it was fine. I looked out the shower curtin and everything seemed ok. I shrugged it off and continued.

When I walked in my room clean and fully clothed I noticed something wasn't right. My closet door was open and I always kept it closed because I was clausterphobic and I always thought I would get pushed and locked in.

I went to the door with a pair of scissors in my hand. I opened the door and didn't see anything but clothes, and my underwear that just happened to get jumbled up. I was a neat freak and my underwear was color coded. The dark colors was with the lights and so forth. Somebody was messing with them.

I looked over to my hamper and saw clothes were pulled out and dumped on the floor. I walked over, my stomach sick already aware of why it was like that. I opened the hamper and moved clothes around looking. Sure enough my used underwear was gone. Unless Mrs.Lockheart had a underwear day, somebody else took them using it for god knows what.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now