Chapter 31

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Matthew's POV-

   I looked up and asked again "Please just leave me alone"  He pulled down his shirt and shook his head.

"I can't do that. Kt wants you back" I looked down at my feet

"Marcus please don't tell him im still here. I'll get you money, please" I begged with my voice quivering

"Can't do that babe. Now come with me and I won't hurt you" I started slowly walking to his car but the sound of police sirens coming up the street stopped me. He let out some curses and pushed me away and hopped in the driver seat starting up the car.

"I will come back and when I do you will come willingly." He sped off and a few minutes later I saw the squad cars speed by the school. I let out the breath I was holding in. My heart beating rapidly and my legs paralized telling me not to move.

   The one thing I was told to avoid had saved me. I didn't realize cops weren't all that bad until now. If they hadn't come speeding down with their wonderful sirens I would have been sent back to live with Kt practically sentenced to death.

  Finally after five minutes of standing still my body responded to my brain and took a shaky step forward. After one then two and three steps I had control of my body. First thing I did was look both ways down the street and then...Ran the fuck out of there like my ass was on fire.

   I ran and ran until I got to the house where the black vans were parked in the drive way. I walked up the driveway to be greeted by Mac with a scowl. He stepped very close to me when I was about to walk in the house. I was stopped by him at the door as he put out a strong arm and held my chest into place. He leaned in close to me and whispered

"If you turn anyone else, I will skin you alive" He pushed me hard on the chest knocking me back as he walked through the door. I waited a few seconds waiting to be cleared of him. I walked in and immediately saw my bags packed and ready to go, confused I walked into the living room where everybody was sitting looking glum.

   Aaron and Dario stepped closer to me. I looked for Trey but he was most likely at practice running drills hard for punishment from the coach

"Hey Matthew, are you ready to go to your new home?" Dario asked me like I was a child

"What are you talking about? I thought I had a few more weeks" I asked

"Well with Torreto out and about we think it'd be safer for you to move in with a agent as soon as possible" Aaron explained puttting a hand on my shoulder looking at my eye level.

"So, my grandparents house is free of all the blood and crime tape?" I said apathetic. They looked at me sympathetically.

"It will be for everybodies protection"

   I nodded and went to grab my bag only to be stopped by the Lockhearts, minus Trey, and pulled into a huge bear hug. We parted and I walked to my bags. I picked them up and walked out the door while being escorted by my brother and Aaron.

  They stopped at a van and I entered slowly crawling into the first row of the bench. Dario sat next to me with his bag next to him. The drive was down the old streets making the ride bumpy due to rain damage on the ground.

   We pulled up onto a dirt road surrounded with a field of green grass that was once a ranch. My granddad was a farmer and a horse breeder, while my nana took care of all the house work and tended to all the charities. They were real country folk.

  Pulling up to the white two-story ranch house brought back fond memories of growing up happy, loved, and unbroken. I wonder if they would still love me if they were still alive, would they love me if I told them I liked boys?

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now