Chapter 32

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Ok so this story is close to the end now! Only about 1 or 2 more chapters left.... But if you vote I will put up a second story to continue this one when they are a little older...Maybe (and im just tossing ideas around) maybe they will have a kid?


Matthew's POV-

   I woke up early the next morning depressed. I wasn't going to see Trey as much as I liked to but I have to move on. Today was my eye appointment and I was going to find out why I was seeing things and hope I wasn't crazy but had  security knowing my eye was causing the hallucinations.

"Matthew? Are you ready" Dario asked peering into my room. I nodded and grabbed my backpack.

    It was around eight o'clock and the cold crisp winter air caused my breath to be seen. I slowly made my way to the car watching for any sign of an ice patch on the pathway. I breathed a sigh of relief that I made it into the car safely.

    We chatted on the drive to the clinic. I started to see a difference between Dario and the rest of the Johnson's...for example he was nice and they were complete assholes.

"I have to ask you a question and if i you get offended please just say and I won't ask again." Dario said stopping at the red light. I looked over at him and nodded.

"How did you not commit suicide while you were with Torreto? I read the reports and saw the pictures. They were the worst thing I can imagine, Hell im too scared to even imagine what happened to you" He looked at the steering wheel while talking.

"Well. I was scared of him." I said. He snapped his attention to me with a confused expression

"What do you mean?"

"Kt was capable of a lot of things and I knew I would never be able to escape him. If I killed myself, and believe me i've thought of it, I know he would punish me."

"Most psychological examiners would suspect you have battered wife syndrome. Its where spouses in an abusive relationships are so scared of their dominate spouse they mentally shut down and fall into a routine of keeping their dominate happy." My face screwed with confusion trying to process this information

"You mean im so scared of Kt that I would do anything to keep him happy. That I wouldn't kill myself fearing he'll punish me?"

"Yes, There was this one case of domestic violence. This woman killed her husband and cleaned up the mess, not to evade police but because she feared he would beat her again." I looked at him and nodded

"I would do the same. Its like no matter what I do Kt will always be here. He can't die and he can't be caught. He's like fricken' Michael Myers" I said

"Well he won't be free for long" Dario said in confidence giving me a warm smile. I smiled back and looked out the window wondering how we got here so quickly.

"Well lets go in and get this over with" he said clapping his hands together and climbing out of the car. I got out of the car following behind him. As we reached the desk I saw the cutest puppy being towed around in a hand bag.

"Matthew? Were ready for you" Not even here three minutes and Im already called back.

"So how have you been?" Dr.John asked

"Well I've been great except for the fact im seeing things that aren't there. Oh and my eye keeps throbbing" I said sarcastically

"Well lets take a look" He had me take off my bandana and move my hair out of the way. He grabbed his eye looker thing and turned the light on my eye.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now