Chapter 24

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Not edited... :) I know im awesome!

I know everone who has already read this story is gonna ask what happened to the picture... well since wattpad no longer has slideshow option I had to re-edit every picture and now i only have single pictures per chapter.....The picture that was posted on this chapter I had to take down because it was SUPPOSE TO BE ON THE NEXT CHAPTER.

Matthew's POV-

   I woke up and immediately had to relieve myself, so I hopped out of bed a ran to the bathroom across the cold floor. When I got to the toliet I had to slow down to calm my dizzy spell from getting up to quickly.

"I have to buy some slippers" I muttered to myself.

    I yawned and stretched as I made my way to my closet, Opening the door I jumped in suprise of my sick drawing. If it had been drawn by somebody else I would have laughed, but it was drawn by me and I was ready to break down figuring I was as sick as my father.

     It was Monday morning, today I was going to school looking like patchy the pirate. In one more week it would be off but I wasn't sure if I wanted it to be off. Over the weekend I had looked up options for corrective surgery like an eye-transplant, and plastic surgery for all the scars across my body. But the price was way out of my range, Since I stayed here Charlie and Susan(Mrs.Lockheart) gave me an allowance for doing chores and staying out of trouble, I got a whole twenty dollars every two weeks.

   It wasn't a lot but I could save for an apartment. I decided now was the time to look for a job until I realized who would want to hire a blind ugly hustler? Not even pimps would take me because of my dad. He scarred me face and left me blind for crying out loud! I sighed and sat back on my bed holding my clothes lazily.

"Hey you up?" I heard Charlie ask as he slowly opened my door a crack to peek in.

"Yeah Im up" I said sitting straight.

"Okay well you better get a move on or your going to be late"

"Oh yeah because im so eager to get to school" I sarcastically said. He laguhed and told me I had an hour before we headed off.

     After putting on the usual black skinny jeans and studded belt I left my black veil brides night shirt on because I didn't have any other shirts. I would have to do laundry...if I could figure out how to work the washing machine. When I was with Kt he'd just bu us new clothes and throw away the used ones or take them to the dry cleaners. I hate to say it but I missed the perks of being with Kt.

   After putting on my kandi bracelettes I ran down stars and put on mismatched converse, they were both dark tones so I didn't have to worry about matching. Grabbing a pink and black checkered backpack I went into the kitchen and sat at the table. The counter was layered out with different cereal, oatmeal, jucies, milk, eggs, bacon, the whole nine yards of breakfast. Out of all the choices I grabbed a water bottle and a banana.

"Thats not all your eating is it?" Charlie asked looking away from his paper and pulling his coffee mug away from his mouth. I shurgged and when I was scowled at I went back and got some maple and brown sugar oat meal. He nodded in approval.

"Hey" Trey mumbled and ran his fingers through his bed head.

"Whats wrong with you?" I asked

"He's never been a morning person" Brayden said smiling at Trey who just grunted and poured himself coffee.

"By the way cute undies" I said smugly. He looked down at his heart boxers and tried to cover up with his hands. His brothers and dad laughed at him while I batted my lashes cutely at him, his face turned as red as the hearts as he muttered

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now