Chapter 2

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        I woke up the next morning feeling pressure on my chest to where I couldn't breathe. My eyes shot open, blurry with tears. I blinked them a couple of times to clear my vision and I realized K.T. was sitting on me and choking me. Suddenly to this realization I started to panic and scratch like a girl.

    He smiled evily and brought his mouth to mine and actually sucked in my remaining air. I started to get dizzy and he all of a sudden stopped choking me and sat down beside me. I just layed there and cried.

"Matthew?" he asked and looked me in the eyes then said

"how many times do I have to tell you...STOP CRYING!" he slapped me which made me cry more.

 He dragged me off the bed and took me to the basement which was normal looking but if you open the shelf against the north wall it was way different.  

There were sex toys and it was transformed for a love room, where all my recent "films" were shot.

  He grabbed a ball gag and put it in my mouth then he grabbed chains and chained me the wall. He grabbed a knife from the discipline drawer and brought it to my naked stomach and etched and S in my flesh. It burned like hell and I couldn't do anything, no one was gonna help me.

  Then he did the etching for a minute then unchained me. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the shower and rinsed off the blood.

"get ready for school you stupid little bastard" He said and left the door open

 I struggled to get up after five minutes but I finally had a break-through and stood up. I stumbled a little up the stairs but I managed it. I went up the two flights of stairs and paced to my room and locked the door behind me.

    I looked in the mirrors that were sliding doorsto my closet. I looked at my stomach and tears started welling up as I touched my wounds. Small blood droplets ran down my stomach to my boxers. I re-read the words that spelled SLUT across my stomach.  I looked up at my chest which had a scar that spelled DIRTY BOY across they all weren't large because I needed to be able to cover them up for the movies.

     I turned around and looked in the mirror and re-read the word WHORE across my back, I started tearing up again and bandaged my new scars.

  After I was bandaged and blood proof I put on a black and white striped long-sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans, white converse which I drew on with red and black sharpie. I also put on black guy liner, red loop lip rings and my new tounge ring.

5- Mins later---

    I had stopped crying long enough to refix my guyliner and grab my stuff together. I started walking down the stairs and noticed I was half an hour late. When I was at the bottom of the stairs I noticed KT was still here and he was waiting for me.

"I called your school that we were running late... Get in the car and if you tell anybody how you got that black eye I will kill you"

    I nodded and headed to the garage then slid in the passenger seat by KT. We never said a word mainly because he was on the phone arguing until we finally pulled up to my school, before I could get out he roughly grabbed my arm and jerked me toward him

"We're going public now with your videos"

"What about the cops?" I asked wincing as he tightened his grip

"They won't catch us if you shut up!" He threw my arm and I flew forward. I got out rubbing my arm then flung my bag over my shoulder.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now