Chapter 20

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I hate chores >:p

Not edited (it saves time so i can upload faster)

Matthew's POV-

"I love Matthew Di Corrado!" Trey yelled after kissing me "And if anyone has a problem with it then leave" He said leading me upstairs. The worst thing about the whole situation was everyone was glaring at me as if I turned Trey gay.

We got up to his room and I was minutes away from cursing him out until I took one look at his room and started laughing. He had teddy bear wallpaper, a model plane hanging from the ceiling, clouds painted on the ceiling, stuffed animals which he was desperately trying to hide in his closet, and a blue faded baby blanket.

I walked over to his bed and picked it up. It had some tears and holes in it, but other than that it was okay.

"Uh thats not mine" He said closing his closet. I looked up at him a small smile on my lips and and arched eyebrow.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded.

"So you won't mind if I tossed this old ratty thing in the closet?" I teased playfully walking to the closet when the blanket was snatched from me.

"Fine! Fine! Its mine, I can't sleep without it" He said looking adorable cuddling with it

"You did at the hospital" I said walking to the bed laying on it

"No, I had it in my backpack" He said laying next to me

"I know its stupid, a seventeen year old dude who still sleeps with his baby blanket" He mumbled not looking at me

"Its not stupid, lots of adults still have their baby blankets because it brings them comfort and securtity. Besides I think its the cutest thing I have ever seen" I said leaning over to kiss him.

"Y'know I thought you'd laugh at me when you saw everything in here. Thats why I never brought you to my room before" He said cuddling with me.

"I wasn't laughing at you, I laughed because it was too cute to belong to a popular jock" I explained

"Yeah, My friends laughed when they saw my room" He blushed

"What about the stuffed animals?" I asked turning over and resting my head on my palm to see him better

"Oh that, well their disney plush dolls." He said showing me a plush Eeyore. I looked at it and smiled.

"It cool and I really like the- Meeko!" I yelled excitedly seeing Meeko the raccoon from Pocohontas. I reached down and grabbed him from under the bed and hugged him. I stopped and awkwardly looked at my boyfriend who was grinning like a fool.

"I like Meeko" I said blushing. He just laughed sitting up then kissed me.

"Its good to know Im not the only doof in this relationship" He said smiling

"Im not a doof" I said pouting making him laugh even harder

"So, You are going to stay here right?" He asked after a moment of silence. I shrugged.

"Won't it be kinda weird having your boyfriend staying in the same house as your family?" I asked leaning against him.

"Probably" was his only answer, I sighed.

"Hey, It will be okay now c'mere" he said pulling me on him straddling his waist. We kissed for the longest time without air.

When we finally came up for air he had that look I see everytime I meet with a trick. Lust. I went back down and crashed our lips together. I wanted this. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I hungrily accepted. His tounge explored every part of my mouth, teasing my piercing which made me moan with need.

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now