Chapter 7

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The next day when I got off the bus I was nervous about seeing Trey's friend, who's name he never mentioned in our conversation yesterday.


I jumped and turned around to Kyle with a frown on my face

"Y'know you don't have to yell in my ear Im not deaf." I said trying to pop my ear

"sorry just had to make sure you would acknowledge my presence" He said looping his right arm through my left.

"I can't help but acknowledge you in your neon outfit today" He was wearing a yellow t-shirt, bright pink pants, and orange converse with bright green laces

"Hehe awww thanks!" He kissed my cheek causing me to turn a deep red while other people looked at us and immediately started talking

"Haha! I love when you blush, Your so cute!" We started skipping down the hall. Me having no choice of course.

We got to my locker and apparently his was three lockers down from mine. I started exchanging my books when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around looking into Trey's beautiful black eyes.

"Hey about yesterday I wanted to apologize it's not any of my business- I mean of course not my busi-I mean theres nothing wrong with that kind of business...I-" I quickly cut him off holding a finger to his rosy lips

"Its no big deal really" I whispered blushing and quickly pulled my hand away from his lips

"Oh yeah? I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't get in trouble or get hurt 'er sometn'" He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"Um...thank you?" I leaned against my locker with my back to it while I faced him holding my bag to my chest

"Your welcome...I think" We both looked at each other and started laughing at the awkwardness

"I actually wanted to talk to you, for real y'know to get to know the real Matthew" He looked me in the eye a faint blush appearing on his face.

"Um ok, I guess that won't be a problem" I whispered

'Liar' a voice in my head snapped

"Really? Ok well would you like to grab something to eat after school?"

"Um..." I wasn't allowed to go outside unless K.T. told me otherwise...'he's not here dumbass'

"Yeah I'd love to" I looked down at my shoes to hide my blush and huge smile

"REALLY!-I-I mean cool that'd be awesome, s-see you next period I-I guess" He started to walk away rather quickly after stuttering. To be frank if I talked it probably wouldn't even make sense because I was so excited.

My first date!...That doesn't involve sex, I think....Oh no what if he really only wanted sex? Would I give it to him if he asked? I would be crushed if it's all he wanted. Was it a joke? Would there be a group there to humiliate me or beat me up? Would he even show up?

"Matthew? The bell rang" I looked up at Kyle suddenly happy he broke up those horrible thoughts

"Oh really?" I closed my locker and we headed to our classes in the east wing. He stopped me before I went in

"Hey! I don't want to be later than I already am!" I whined and he chuckled

"Damn you're cute, but seriously I couldn't help but eavesdrop on your conversation with Trey Lock-My-Heart and hear your going out tonight?" I blushed at the 'your cute' comment

"Its just a friendly get together"

"Nuh-uh he wants you! I just so happened to see him when he asked you out while you like a wuss took an intrest in your shoes" I looked at him and glared

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now