Chapter 15

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Matthew's POV-

"Wake up son. Wake up! Its time to get your mother and go home."

 The gruff voice said as I awoke the next morning. I opened my eyes to see my dad shaving his beard while looking in the tiny motel mirror. I yawned really big which made him smile.

"Oh son I really missed you," He said and wiped the foam off his face as he walked over to me. He sat down next to me and hugged me tightly.

"I want to go home." I whispered in a silent beg.

"We will after we get your mother ok"

"No I want to go home without her, and you should get help dad" I looked at him but he looked back as if I was crazy.

"I don't need help Im perfectly fine. Now get ready we have a long drive ahead of us" He said and handed me some new clothes.

We drove some ways to Connecticut and arrived at a high school. To see a boy who had my mothers blonde hair.

"See him? That's your illegitimate brother." My dad said in a cruel tone.

"Daddy, please, I want to go home!" I pleaded

"I like when you call me daddy, it reminds me your still my little boy" Don't judge me I have always called him daddy even when I was a kid and haven't grown out of it. Its not sexual like the way I call Kt.

"please lets just go, the two of us" I begged but he ignored me.

"Lets get your mother." he said and drove us to a posh neighborhood. We stayed there sitting in the car until the coast was clear. We both stalked along the side of the Johnson house and snuck inside the window.

"Here" he handed me a knife

"W-whats this for!" I stuttered

"Its for the husband that stole my wife" He said

    We hid inside a closet and stayed there for hours until we were sure everyone had fallen asleep. I was cramping up in my legs and stretched as my dad slowly walked upstairs to tie everyone up. I heard some crash and slowly walked up the stairs scared of what was going to happen.

"D-dad?" I whispered and saw him tying my "brothers" up. Everyone was squirming to get free but to no avail. I looked at the picture on the fireplace of my mothers bedroom and saw I had three brothers. Now here tied up there was only two boys. The one brother was a lot older than me. He seemed to be at least twenty years old. He had blonde hair, Green eyes, Fair complexion, and a small birthmark on his neck.

I looked at my mom who was staring at me as if to say "please don't tell him" she shook her head no. I got the message. Either she wanted one child to survive or she didn't want to anger my father more. I looked at Ricardo Johnson. The man my mother had an affair with while she was married to my father. He wasn't as built as my father. He had black hair that was peppering with grey and a five o'clock shadow. He stared back at me with pleading eyes. I just turned away from the pathetic man.

"Matthew c'mere boy" My dad said I walked over to him and gave him the knife

"Watch carefully" he didn't cut them yet but just let the blade hover above the neck to show me where to cut "Now get at the jugular it is the main artery and will bleed out quickly. Now to get the jugular you have to cut deep" I shook my head

"Daddy please lets go home I don't want to be here! I  don't want to do this! Please!" I begged over and over again but he slapped me

"Do you want to go back home to that pimp of yours! What was his name again? Kt? Tell your mother what she did to you! How she left you to rot in that damn orphanage to endure beatings and rape. How the man that adopted you rapes you every night. Makes you his prostitute! Tell her!" He screamed at me but looked at her

Life Of A High School Boy Toy(BoyxBoy)*Book 1* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now