Sherry Wine

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For my love,

I'll keep them in my memory

until their last gulp of this life

they'll be my sweet sherry wine

and I'll always love their wine-stained body;

My soul flashes memories of baking

while dancing in the light of the oven

with my sherry wine

saying "I'll always love you" 

until we're no longer;

But I tell the moon how they used to be my moon,

long before I knew what that meant

& when I'm speaking to the moon

she tells me about the stars,

how beautiful they shine

just for her locked eyes

while everyone's asleep;

I tell her about them

and how beautiful they are shining

when she is illuminating our warm bodies

but in the morning when I wake up,

the moon nowhere around

I start screaming for them

until my voice seeps away from my vocal cords

and my throat hurts

my sherry wine is all gone

until she inevitably comes back in my dreams

with the moon lighting me up.

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