June 14th, 2023

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I always wanted to write about us when I finally became the age you were when we met, but after all these years, of waiting, I began to realize just how evil you were. Six years between us, six years of holding onto a rope that has always been pulled by you, and still, I'm younger than you were. Two more painstaking years then I will be your age. It's unfathomable how you could take advantage of somebody so young with a "mature" mind and "nurturing" body. But I can't find the words I want to say to you, this is the fourth anniversary of me escaping your cold life. There's no right way to put how I feel and there's nothing I could say to help anyone or feel inspirational because all I feel is pain. There's no metaphor to put on here to lighten my pain, so I will leave it like this.

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