I Deserve

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I'm not too clingy

nor do I ask for too much,

As you insist,

I don't want anything,

I don't wish for anything,

but I know I deserve your effort

you won't love me

the way I deserve,

& you know that

I'm trying to survive

while giving you everything

& I know that

while you're thriving

you'll give less than you ever have,

I'll wonder why I stay

when I'm not like any of your friends

I don't sit quietly with mistreatment

& when it continues this way

I'll unwillingly fall out of your arms

until I'll stop caring if I cross your dreams

or if I'm a speckle on your cheek

but for now,

you're making me love you

from a far distance

& you can't find it in you to care

I hope one day you finally care

I need you to see the mountains

I'm putting it between you & I

or the mountains will become immovable.

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