My Body Image

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My shape isn't the type that people rave over

or the type of body people would find attractive,

I know somebody would have to overlook how my body is

to talk to me, or to even date me

yet, when I find a man

all he wants is my body,

until he wakes up in the morning

& in an undrunken state

takes a good look at me

& suddenly I never heard from him again;

I thought you were different and you praised my body

like it was a temple of your religion,

but how could someone love a shape like mine?

So I knew it was true you only loved my kind words

and my acts of love,

while you were still raving about her shape

not sure how to complement mine

because every time you see it,

it was the same sarcastic words

& secret insults

that fueled our short-lived love,

& when I found out who I was in your mind,

I turned into something your heart couldn't desire anymore

because you loved my childlike mind, so easy to manipulate.

The Muse Of Nature & Incomprehensible Torture (poetry & prose)Where stories live. Discover now