75.0: business meeting? (m)

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"Taylor!" The sound of her boss's voice booming through the office caused her to nearly jump out of her skin. Quickly, she got up from her desk and ran into his office.

Once she was in his office, she asked, "Yes, Mr. Kelce?" He did not look happy, and she wasn't exactly sure why.

"Close my door." His demand wasn't shocking. His rubbing his temples and looking as if he was about to lose his shit, however, was shocking. She did as she was told, closing the door and locking it. "C'mere," he summoned her. Slowly, she walked over to his desk.

"Yes, sir?" She watched as he moved the files he had been working on out of the way and directed her to sit in the space he had just cleaned in front of him without speaking a single word. He pushed back in his chair slightly, allowing her to maneuver between his legs. He placed his hands on her hips and helped her to sit on his desk. "You seem so stressed, baby. What happened?" She asked him. His hands were slowly moving up her bare legs and up her skirt, reaching her thighs.

"New evidence came in for this case, and it's not looking too good." He told her. Her hands were rubbing against the back of his neck. She knew how much that helped him to calm down and relax. "Every day, it's something that makes this case look unwinnable." He spoke. His hands found the hem of her panties. "Off," he said. She lifted each side of herself off of his desk, allowing him to pull her panties down.

"How can I make it better?" She asked, already knowing where this interaction was going. She noticed him throw her panties to the side right before he gently parted her legs.  This wasn't something that happened at the office too often, only when he absolutely needed it. Their nights were typically spent at her place. He took hold of her legs and pulled her to the edge of his desk, pushing her skirt up. He buried his face into her core, letting his tongue quickly find his favorite parts of her.  "God," she whispered, her head resting on the back of his head, lightly pushing him into her. 

"You missed me, baby?" he murmured against her. He hadn't been with her in days, but it felt like weeks, even months. He had been busy with the case, and of course, he did have a family to go home to. She had to be on the backburner sometimes, even if mentally, she was his top priority. 

"So much, Daddy," she whispered in response, careful not to be too loud so people outside of his office could hear her. She was sure most of them knew they had something going on, but no one had ever spoken a word of it to either of them. There might have been whispers around the office, but again, she didn't hear them, and if she did, she wouldn't care. What she had with Travis was something she felt was special, and it was just between the two of them. Anyone else's opinions didn't matter. 

"Fuck," Travis said, hearing the phone ring. He removed the phone from the receiver and handed it to Taylor. She took the phone from his hand and placed it to her ear.

"Thank you for calling Kelce and Associates; this is Taylor; how can I assist you today?" She said into the phone, biting down on her bottom lip as she listened to the woman on the other end of the phone. "Hi, Mrs. Kelce. How are you today?" She asked her boss's wife as she rubbed the back of his head. "That's great to hear, and the kids?" Her head fell back as she enjoyed the circular motions of Travis's tongue against her clit as his fingers pushed in and out of her. God, if only his wife knew how he drove her absolutely crazy. How every day she wished for more time with his body on hers. How many nights he would leave her bed, and she wished for him to stay and just say he was done with his wife for good? But she knew none of that would happen. "So happy to hear they are doing well. Mr. Kelce is in a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message?" She asked just as the man kissed her inner thigh. He rose up from his position and placed a kiss on Taylor's lips as he continued to finger her roughly. "I'll be sure to let him know. Nice talking to you. Bye bye." Travis removed the phone receiver from Taylor's hand and hung it up.

"You're so fucking good at keeping cool," he told her, placing another kiss on her lips. A long moan she had been holding back finally escaped her. She reached for his belt buckle, fumbling to get it undone quickly. 

"I need you," She whispered against his lips. He finally removed his fingers from inside of her. He took control of his own undressing, letting his pants and boxers fall to the floor. 

"Remind me to give you a raise," he told her as he pushed himself into her roughly. She gasped loudly and nodded her head. He looked her in her eyes as he pushed himself in and out of her at a fast pace. He watched her bite down on her lip in an attempt to keep herself quiet. Damn, how he wished they could let the whole fucking office hear her moans and cries. "I want the whole fucking office to hear how good I make you feel," he told her, debating on if he should try to make her scream his name or not. Taylor knew his office rules; however, whenever they fucked in his office, she had to be as silent as possible. No one could hear her whimpers and cries, her moans and screams. She could bite down on her lips or his. But noises were not allowed. He wanted nothing to get back to his wife, even if he didn't truly care if she found out or not. 

"I'm so close..." she finally managed to whisper. She gripped the edge of his desk as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her more into him as he trusted her harder. Before he could talk her through her orgasm, she was coming undone, her arms wrapping around his neck to help her steady herself. 

"Fuck..." he said, releasing inside of her. "God, damn." He held on to her as he pulled her off of his desk and down into his lap as he sat in his office chair. She kissed him and felt another string of cum shoot into her. 

"I love you..."  she said against his lips, not knowing where the words had even come from for her to say them to him. 

"I love you, too," he said back to her surprise. This man was going to be the death of her. 

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