Alexa, Play Ways To Piss Off My Dad

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"Fuck you asshole!" I slam the door to my first floor apartment shut and then give it a kick for good measure and growl loudly


I fuckin hate Sundays!

The day I have to dress like a nun and smile when prompted, make fake conversation and laugh when there really isn't anything to laugh about apart from life and the ridiculousness of it all.

Sunday is the day I spend with my 'family' and as the black sheep of said family I dread and detest them in equal measure.

I move quickly through the lounge area of the small apartment I share with my room mate Lara and grimace at the array of clothes and painting supplies scattered throughout but today's Sunday and I hate Sundays so I decide to just ignore the mess and head directly to the kitchen.

Opening the refrigerator I pull out a beer and then pop the top, taking two large gulps before placing it on to the counter top and then dropping down hard on to the red metal bar stool before I bang my head twice against the chrome surface and growl in frustration once more

Fuck, my family is messed up!

"Lara I'm getting wasted!!" I yell at the top of my lungs to my room mate who is no doubt up to her neck in paint or charcoal or something equally as messy.

As expected the tall girl with orange dyed hair appears with splashes of red and orange paint streaking her face and the denim overalls she wears as her creative uniform. Her hair is tied in a knot on the very top of her head and her bangs are held back by a rainbow coloured head band.

"I suppose I could join you, in the name of my art of course, I'm always more creative when I'm wasted" Lara quickly goes to retrieve a beer and then pops it and clinks it hard against my own before taking a seat next to me and resting her head on her hand

I pull my long blond curls into a loose bun and let out a long, labored sigh

"So, how was Daddy Swift today, did he send me his best wishes?"

I take another long gulp and then screw up my face at the thought of my father sending Lara any kind of wishes other than death wishes

"If by 'best wishes' you mean did he wish for you to suddenly drop down dead then yeah, he probably did" we both laugh loudly knowing just how much my father hates my best friend.

He blames her for my refusal to attend medical school as he had planned for me to do since the day my mother discovered she was pregnant.

He is a doctor, my mother Andrea Swift is a doctor, my older brother Austin is a doctor and like it or loathe it Taylor Swift was to become a doctor...that is until Lara came along with her big heart and free spirit. She convinced me I could be anything I wanted to be instead of having to try and be what my father wanted me to be

Thoughts of medical school and doctors scrubs were replaced by thoughts of fashion college and haute couture and my father absolutely hated every part of it

If my refusal to apply for medical school had shaken the already fragile foundations of my relationship with my father, then my next decision to move out of the Swift family mansion and move in to a small apartment in a less than desirable part of town had decimated any part of the relationship that remained standing.

Lara has taken the brunt of Scott Swifts fury whilst he continues to attempt to suffocate me in his disappointment.

Sunday has now become my day of suffering and how I had suffered through it today

"Is he still pissed he's not going to get to brag about you wearing a white coat?"

"He's like a broken record Lara, I'm a disappointment, I have ruined my life, I have ruined his life, I'm going to die alone surrounded by cats, on and on and fuckin on" I sink the remainder of my beer and then lift my head and smile at my friend mischievously

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