The Emotional Crisis

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Slipping in through her front door, Taylor kicked off her heels from the night before and loosened the plait she had tied her curls into after they had caused Travis to scream out in frustration as position after position was interrupted by her hair falling in his face.

The 'date' had been so much more than she had imagined it would be but the night and morning between the sheets and against the cool surfaces of the hotel suite had reinforced her belief that there was an intimacy and fire between them that she couldn't just walk away from, but Travis was Travis and she knew if she had any sense she would be running, screaming from him but instead she looked forward to the next time she would be screaming under him, or over him or bent over something for him


Lara's voice broke her from her Travis induced spell as she noticed her roommate sitting on the sofa, her face pale and the circles under her eyes black

"You look like shit" Taylor said whilst avoiding eye contact and kicking off her white skinny jeans that were now minus a button thanks to a very impatient man.

Travis had promised her a shopping trip to replace the growing list of clothing he had destroyed in his eagerness to get her naked and she had agreed to it but in all honesty she could buy her own clothes, she was just eager to spend some time with him somewhere other than a bedroom. To get to know the part of him that wasn't sex obsessed or at the mercy of his immence ego

"I didn't sleep very well last night"

"Yeah well, treachery will do that to you" Taylor took off her black top and threw her clothing towards the washing basket whilst picking up an oversized white t-shirt and grey track bottoms from the fresh laundry hamper and dressing with her back to her concerned looking ex-best friend

"Look Taylor..."

"No thanks" Taylor shot back and then headed towards her bedroom, flinging herself onto her bed and flicking through the playlist on her phone, trying to find some music that matched her mood, tired, satisfied, betrayed, defeated, inspired.

"Taylor..." Lara stood at the door, her eyes red and Taylor felt the harshness she promised herself would be her only remaining emotion for Lara, begin to soften "Tay I'm so sorry"


"Everything, more than I can ever say, things you wouldn't understand, things I don't expect you to forgive me for"

"Why the riddles? Just tell me the truth, that's all I have ever asked of you. You were my best friend and you just turned your back on me, threw me away like I never meant anything to you"

"It's not true"

"Did he pay you off?"

"Taylor!" Lara slapped her hands against her thighs in frustration, she wanted to just blurt it out, to tell Taylor the truth but she knew she wouldn't, couldn't understand, God, Lara was a year in and she barely understood it

"It's OK if he did, I know you struggle some times and he knows how to exploit people, if he caught you at a moment of weakness and you sold me out for my dads cash then it's fine, just say it, I would rather hear it from you than from him" Taylor hardened her chin, waiting to hear how much her friendship had been worth but tear after tear slipped from Laras eyes as she shook her head in desperation

"It isn't about money Taylor"

"It isn't? Then what is it about?"

"You don't want to know, believe me you don't"

"Of course I do" Taylor pushed herself from her bed and stood right in front of Lara, the look on her face daring her friend to lie to her "Whatever it is, it's costing me you so just tell me right now and we can fix this"

"We can't"

"Why don't you trust me?"

"It's me that shouldn't be trusted!!" wailed Lara "Oh Taylor I'm so sorry, I am so, so sorry" and with that she disappeared in a flash of orange hair, her bedroom door slamming shut behind her and the lock sliding across, keeping Taylor out and Lara and her secrets in.

Throwing herself back onto her bed, Taylor let out a sob. Laras friendship was everything to her, it guided her, inspired her, without it she felt lost and off kilter but knowing she was being kept in the dark about something that had broken their friendship was the last straw.

She grabbed her phone, wanting to call Travis, desperate to hear his voice, to let its softness slip over her and heal her but that wasn't who Travis was, he wasn't the type of guy to be there for her in an emotional crisis, he wouldn't care about the state of her relationship with Lara, he would only care about what colour underwear she was wearing.

Slamming her phone back down onto her duvet she buried her head in her hands, maybe she should just cut both Lara and Travis loose, that would be the smart move, she couldnt rely on either of them right now but God how she needed them both, more than either seemed to realise.

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