Daddy's Come To Take Me Home

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As I maneuver my way through the sea of middle aged, over weight, 'slightly' thinning males I attempt to keep my eyes on the prize. 6k for an evenings work and no physical contact. It sounds perfect, it sounds like a job made in heaven but then I set sights on my 'daddy', the man paying for my companionship tonight, as he jostles through the crowd, laughing loudly and hi-fiving as though it was an Olympic sport.

When he had messaged back earlier that he agreed to my demands I had almost puked on Lara out of shock. Travis is a big shot, a young, high achiever he can have anything and anyone he wants whenever he wants it and if he can't get it first time then he can buy it. So why's he putting so much attention into getting me? Surely I have made it clear as glass that I'm a handful, I'm not the girl to call up if you want an easy night followed by easy sex, I'm the girl you call when you want to scream and shout at someone and then fuck them up against a door.

Sighing loudly I wait for the barman to top up my drink and then sit back on my barstool and gaze lazily amongst the crowd

"Well you're much too beautiful to be sitting alone" I turn to face a man about my age, his blond hair and pale blue eyes gazing at me intently. He takes a seat without asking permission and I almost hear my eyes rolling in their sockets

"I'm not interested"

"I haven't even got started yet"

"I'm just trying to save you the time and effort oh and the price of a drink" the blond laughs like I just cracked the funniest joke ever and I see Travis' head snap in our direction. His eyes linger on us as a flash of something covers and then leaves his face and seeing as how I was here and slightly buzzed I decide  that I might as well try and have some fun.

I reach out and run my hands through the blonds hair, keeping half an eye on Travis at the same time. Blondy gulps in surprise where as Travis' eyes narrow in to tiny slits, he pulls the collar of his black shirt away from his neck and then tries to continue his conversation

"Wow, you change your mind so quick I almost have whiplash" And this time it's my turn to laugh with over enthusiastic vigor and again Travis'  head snaps in our direction, his discomfort written all over his face. I don't know why but being able to provoke a reaction from him so easily makes me feel... Something and my mind begins wandering to his girlfriend and whether he reacts so immediately to her. I know he's probably just pissed because he paid for my time and here I am spending it with someone else but that's what he gets for flaunting me like a trophy and then throwing me to one side so he can do laps of the room whilst everyone kissed his ass.

"So you're here with Kelce?"

I just nod and take a sip of my drink, not wanting to divulge the details of our 'working' relationship

"Doesn't it bother you that he has a girlfriend?"

Did it? If I'm being honest no, this was a business transaction, even the kissing and groping in the hotel room had been 'work' He'd paid for it and I had enjoyed it so it was a win win situation.

Shaking my head I looked him in the eye when I answered. "No it doesn't, besides I heard she's a real bitch"

"God you aren't wrong, she's the 'Queen Of Bitches" again we laugh and this time it is genuine, I don't  know The Bitches name but I didn't hate him and that was making the evening seem a little bit more worth while


Watching Wentworth not so discreetly moving his barstool closer to Taylor's  I'm about ready to tear over there and put my fist through his face and her 6k she is costing me tonight and all she can do is sit there looking like the shiniest trophy in the trophy cabinet, sparkling and catching the attention of every fucker in here.

As Wentworth fakes another raucous laugh he places a hand on her bare shoulder and I remember the true cost of tonight, 'no physical contact' as his hand drops from her shoulder to her knee I bite the tip of my tongue to prevent myself from reacting like the asshole that I am. I'm at a work event, I'm 'networking' making new contacts, the last thing I need to do is make a scene but just as I feel my blood pressure begin to return to normal Wentworths hand moves to her thigh and she bites down on her glossy bottom lip.

Fuck it!

I push my way through the sea of musty suits and arrive by Taylor's  side in record time. I pick up the coat from the back of her seat and take her gently but firmly by the bicep

"We're leaving" I growl in to her ear and I swear I feel her body vibrate with stifled laughter.

This girl is playing me so hard and I just can't seem to get the upper hand.

"Bye bye blondie, daddy's come to take me home" she winks at Wentworth and he's busy opening and closing his mouth like a fuckin fish, as Taylor  begins heading towards the exit I turn back to the blond with a hairstyle like some trashy 90s throw back

"Mine!" I bark and then turn and follow the most delicious ass I have even seen out of the building and in to our car ready for a showdown loud enough to wake the dead

"Are you OK?" Taylor asks it as through she's genuinely concerned but I know there's about to be a sting in the tail so I silently wait for it "Because you're looking a little red and sweaty there Mr. CEO"

I take a couple of deep breaths and attempt to keep control of my cool as she holds her nose and giggles

"I fuckin hate you" I seethe

"And yet next time you are looking for a date guess who's pretty little blue eyed face Is going to be popping up on your phone screen

She pushes herself back into her seat crosses her legs exposing almost her entire thigh to me and I don't know whether I wantto strangle her til she is dead and I don't  have to deal with her shit anymore or whether I want her to strangle me until I cum inside her like a freight train

"You are the most annoying..."


"Irritating.. "


My blood pressure's about cause my head to explode as she pushes me closer and closer to the edge of my self control

"Who was the guy I was talking to? He was pretty cute, maybe I could take him on a date with all the money that you're paying me"

Before I know what I'm doing I have my hands on her waist and I'm heaving her on to my lap she makes a sound that's like a speeded up version of half of my name but I swallow the rest of the word as take her mouth in mine as I begin to devour her lips I feel her hand go to my chest as though she's about to push me away but I take her hand in mine as I push my tongue in to her mouth and desperately explore the wet warmth that feels as good as heaven

With one hand wrapped around hers I press the fingers of my spare hand into her hip, pushing her centre heavily down to meet mine and when our lips seperate for a second so she can let out the sexiest moan I have ever heard in my life I know it's game on. I'm having this girl in the back of my limo, right here, right now.

* any good??????

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