I Don't Chase Guys, Guys Chase Me

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Tap, tap, tap

"Quit it"

Tap, tap, tap

"Quit. It."

Tap, tap, tap, tappidy, tap

"For Christ's sake Taylor, call the man before you drive me out of my fuckin mind"

Lara reaches for her blond hair and pulls it as if to demonstrate her frustration with me but she knows me better than that. She knows there's no way I'm going to be the one to make the call.

It's two weeks since my night and early morning and then late morning and lunch time with Travis and it's exactly as I had expected, he got what he wanted and then vanished but what I definitely had not been expecting was to have spent the last two weeks sitting around pining for him.

God he's annoying, his ego is almost as big as his bank balance, his ability to piss me off is unrivaled but so is his ability to please me in the bedroom. Who would have thought that under all the chatter lay a domineering sex God with the ability to perform acts of magic with his hands, lips, tongue, teeth and... Other more intimate areas but I was  just a challenge to him and once he got his hands on what he wanted he was done and on to the next.

I don't chase guys, guys chase me and if he's done then I'm done too.

"So what are you going to do?"

I shrug my answer and Lara dramatically drops her head down hard onto the breakfast bar



"I can't take the moping"

"I'm not moping"

"You are sitting around all day, checking your phone constantly, I saw you checking out his insta page earlier for fuck sake if you aren't going to call him then it's time to forget him"

Damn Lara and her all seeing eyes, spotting me Insta stalking Travis earlier, he had uploaded a photo of himself in just a pair of suit pants and nothing else, sitting at his desk and my mind had wandered to how it would feel to have him bend me over that desk and then memories flooded my brain of when he had me bent over all kinds of things in a hotel room two weeks ago and that lead to me sitting here where I am now, annoying the shit out of my room mate and best friend.

"Get dressed" I instruct her

"What am I now? Naked?!" she looks down at her paint covered overalls and as I cock an eyebrow she gets the hint "We are going out!! Finally my baby girl is back"

"Fuck Travis" I say it with more conviction than I feel "I'm going to get over him by getting under someone else" Lara and I hi-5 at my plan before jumping up and heading to our separate bedrooms. I'm determined to look so hot I will burn any memories of my time with Travis away.


"Why do you always do this to me??"

Carmen storms across the kitchen wearing only a white robe and before I can answer her question, her hand land's hard against my cheek. Grabbing her wrist I push her away from me and move to leave before I lose what little control I have of my temper and this 'argument' turns into a full on war.

"I'm going out"

"It's our anniversary Travis"

"I don't do anniversaries, we don't do anniversaries, we never have, you don't get to start changing the rules and then cry when I don't play by them"

"Two years Travis, that deserves a celebration"

"Two years deserves a fuckin medal but I told you I'm going out, I have plans with some friends"

"Friends?! Whores you mean" She crosses her arms over her chest and I shake my head, for once this is a guy's night, alcohol and gambling only, no female company required... until it's time to leave that is.

"Can't you stay home with me just this once?" she looks hurt but this is just how it is, who I am, who we are. It started out as just sex and over time she became more attached and each time I tried to end it she did something more dramatic accumulating in me coming home from work to find the entire neighborhood gathered around my house as Carmen sat on the roof threatening to jump. After that I kept her around to prevent any further 'mishaps' taking advantage of the 'services' she offered whilst she took advantage of the life my wealth and status offered her.

It seemed win/win at the time although these days nobody is winning. I hate the situation I am trapped in and finding it harder and harder to not hate her whilst she seems to just grow more and more needy, wanting me to be and act like a proper boyfriend and losing her mind when I don't, when I wont because that's not the tag I put on myself in this situation, I'm not Travis Kelce, Carmen Luca's boyfriend I'm Travis Kelce, Carmen Luca's babysitter and it's beginning to wear fuckin thin.


Two hours in and it's safe to say I'm already wasted. The guys and I are drinking Grey Goose straight from the bottle and my head's beginning to spin.

Jared, my childhood friend and business partner sits next to me in the VIP section of some new club as Tom, his brother works on a girl he calls 'a sure thing' he tells us she's blond, hot like fire and with an ass you just want to sink your teeth into and it reminds me of a certain person with an ass I most definitely have sank my teeth into. I'm trying to forget about her so I down more vodka and survey the hundreds of women around us trying to choose a target for tonight, its not that I want anyone other than the one I already had but going back for seconds isn't my style and vodka makes me horny as a ten ton rhino.

"Guys! Guys!" Tom drops down next to us and reaches for the bottle "This girl is unreal, like she isn't even real, like her body...her ass, her attitude. I'm bringing her and her friend over but first, let me tell you both this, she's mine, no competition no games, no nothing tonight okay... You Kelce, I'm talking to you"

I laugh, knowing usually girls are fair game, if one of the guys steals her away then so be it but he's practically drooling as he speaks and a blond haired, blue eyed girl with a great ass is a little too close to home for me to consider being with tonight so I promise she's all his, I won't get involved, won't work my 'magic' as he so kindly puts it as though my ego isn't big enough and feeling reassured he disappears into the crowd to bring back his treasure for the night.

Fuck. My. Fuckin. Life!

Light hair, lighter eyes eyes, full red lips, a silver dress barely containing her curves and legs I had wrapped around my head just two short weeks ago.

"Hey guys this Taylor" Tom looks at her as though he wants to tear her dress off with his teeth right here right now and I look at him as though I want to rip his stupid blond head from his shoulders and play soccer with it.

Taylors eyes meet mine and I can't even fake a smile I just focus on containing the fury building in my chest as Tom wraps an arm around her shoulder

"Hey guys, isn't he hot?" She giggles whilst snaking an arm around Tom's waist, never looking anywhere but at me.

"We're gonna head out" Tom informs me and my fury turns to panic. There's no way my friend is leaving here with that girl, not with the things he has going on in his mind and the things I know she's capable of doing with that mouth.

"He's going to show me his apartment" Again Taylors eyes burn into mine, challenging me, daring me to make a move

"You only need to see one room though baby"

Mother Fucker!

Those words just shredded my self control as I reach for the bottle and take a gulp.

Friend or no friend, promise or no promise I'm about to raise hell

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