Daddy Are You Happy Now?

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Standing in front of the Swift house I feel like I have just stepped into my own fuckin soap opera. The night air is filled with the sound of dishes being broken as voices scream words I can't make out but the sentiment is clear, Taylor is angry, very, fuckin angry.

I glance at Lara and she looks terrified, I'm not sure how she fits into this dramatic scene but I get the feeling I'm just about to find out and suddenly the need to get inside and make sure Taylor is okay over rides everything else and I move quickly up the steps to her house and hammer on the wooden door.

"They won't answer, they won't hear when they are screaming like that" Lara turns the handle with confidence and walks inside, Joe and I look at each other unsure what the hell Is going on before following behind her but before we even get the chance to step foot through the door we hear Taylor screaming before we hear an impact and Lara cries out.


As we rush through the door we find Lara flat in her back whilst Taylor straddles her waist, shaking her by the hair, so furious that she seems to have completely lost her grip of the English language as she yells like a mad woman in. Grabbing Taylor by the waist I attempt to lift her off of Lara but find she's still got handfuls of orange hair and if Taylor comes, Lara's scalp is coming with us

"Let her go!" Joe yells whilst try to pry Taylor's hands from Lara's hair "Kelce, can you not control your fuckin girl?!"

My fuckin what?!

"Taylor I'm sorry!" Lara cries but it doesnt stop Taylor's hand from colliding with her cheek

"Enough!" I say it leaving her with no choice to argue as I finally heave her off of Lara and carry her a few feet away before placing her down and for the first time, I register her father standing a short distance away, a smug smile on his face and looking at the destruction all around me I know this is bad, very, very bad.

Joe reaches down and helps Lara  to her feet, rubbing her cheek gently but she pushes his hand away and turns back to where I stand, my arms wrapped around Taylor's waist to keep her under control

"I'm sorry!" Laras voice is somewhere between a cry and a whisper but it doesn't seem to penetrate Taylor who attempts to throw herself towards her once more

"Stop it" I whisper in her ear as I hold her tight to me "Just stop it, okay?"

"Scott please..." Lara  looks to Taylor's  dad, her eyes begging but this just lights another fire in Taylor who launches herself forward and I have to lift her from her feet and hold her in the air to stop her getting away

"Don't you speak to him! , don't you even look at him! " she screams

"Taylor, baby please calm down" The 'B' word slips over my lips before I can give it any thought but I don't take it back, I don't make excuses, I just let it hang there in the air and wait for whatever drama is to follow

"Why??" Lara screams toward Scott Swift "Why did you tell her?"

"Why didn't you?" comes his cold response and I feel Taylor go limp in my arms "Come on Lara , you're her best friend, right? You're the girl that decides what she does and doesn't do with her life" he moves out of the corridor and into the entrance to the house, his movements slow and measured, his eyes dark and dead like a shark, eyeing Lara like she was just some pawn in a game he was playing and I see Joe's arm tighten around his girls shoulder, his face tense, he's scared of what's about to come but he's trying not to show it

"Don't..." Lara warns but he keeps moving forward, never looking to his daughter that is now still in my arms

"Don't?" He asks whilst chuckling and I see Joe move as though he's stopping himself from grabbing the old guy and pummeling him to death "I already did Lara"

I feel Taylors chest heaving against my arms and for the first time I'm surprised to find my mind doesn't head straight to the gutter, I'm here, she's in my arms but sex is the last thing in my mind, making sure she's okay and keeping her safe Is my priority and I'm not ashamed to admit it

Silence falls over the space, as though everyone's too afraid to speak, too afraid of what's about to be said but if there's one thing I'm good at it's talking and filling awkward silences so I tighten my grip on Taylor and then decide to speak

"Anyone want to tell me what the fuck is going on here?"

As though it's any of my business!!! I don't expect anyone to acknowledge my words but Taylor does and that's when everything falls apart, right in front of my eyes

"She fucked my dad!" She screams it whilst collapsing to the floor, her sudden lose of posture causing me to collapse down with her

"What?!" Joe's voice is the next to be heard as he looks to Lara  and then pushes her away from him

"What?" I repeat in Taylors ear, unsure if I heard her right, I couldn't have... Surely

"It was a mistake" Laras voice confirms the worst and as Joe launches himself towards Taylor's dad Lara  grabs hold of him "Joe don't, what he's saying, Taylor I'm so sorry but it's true" my blood runs cold as I cling to Taylor but find she's no longer fighting me "It was one time I... It was one time"

"That's my dad" Taylor cries out and I can feel my heart breaking for her but once more I don't care about the ramifications I just want to keep her safe, make sure she's okay but how can she be okay after everything that's been said and done

"I didn't know that Taylor, I swear I didn't know"

"Oh you knew" Scott's slimy voice cuts in to the conversation between the two girls and this time It's me begging to be let loose on him "Maybe not at first but you lived with my daughter Lara, I came over to your apartment, you came over to my house, we saw each other at parties and funerals, you knew who I was to Taylor and you knew who I had been to you. I guess 10,000 dollars is enough to bring on a little memory loss, no? "

Laras head drops to her chest

Motherfucker he's telling the truth!

Everything remains silent, no one is brave enough to unleash the conversation we fear is about it come until Scott Swift continues

" I'm sorry it came to this Taylor, I didn't want to have to tell you but Lara here was presenting herself as some preacher of truth and freedom when she was really riding on the back of betrayal and lies"

"That's not true" Laras eyes were trained on the ground

"You convinced her to leave home and turn her back on her future to get back at me"

"That's not true!!"

"We made love, you demanded money not to tell my family then you stole my daughter away and destroyed her life

"That's not true, none of its true, Taylor I swear" Lara glances briefly at Taylor and then me and finally to Joe who looks like he wants to throw up and I don't blame him and I know what's coming before it even happens, she turns and runs, leaving us all in stunned silence

" Daddy, are you happy now????"

Scott Swift smiles so smugly I'm about ready to hit him hard in his face but he just turns and leaves as Taylor begins sobbing against my chest

For a guy that just wanted a sugar baby to show off and side sex with this has gone very, very wrong

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