When It Comes To The Bedroom, Go Hard Or Go Home

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Okay Travis, calm the fuck down

My heart is hammering and my breathing is so heavy I'm sure I am having a heart attack and I wouldnt even be surprised

That girl is giving me a fuckin heart attack!!

She's going to be the death of me I'm sure of it but one other thing I'm sure of is I'm not having this.

Time after time she hands my balls to me but not again. This time it's me that's going to come out on top and end up on top of her showing her who her daddy really is.

Walking back into the ballroom the girl I came with attaches herself to me immediately and as much as I want to tell her to fuck off I'm going to need her so I smile down and attempt to play nice.

Walking past Taylor, who unsurprisingly is sipping on a beer of all things, I drop my lips to her ear

"Let the games commence" I whisper and continue walking, looking over my shoulder just in time to see her flip me off and I can't help but chuckle


Travis hands his date a glass of champagne and then lowers his head to nibble at her neck. The girls face goes red as she giggles like a little school girl.

I know what he's doing, the games he's playing but dammit all to hell if it isn't working.

I want to go and rip the girl limb from limb until there isn't a tiny trace of her left for him to kiss but instead I just roll my eyes and fake a yawn

"Are you tired? Do you want to go?" asks Matty hopefully but I just hook my arm into his and snuggle into his warm chest

I will be fucked if I'm leaving first, Travis will think it's because he and his date have effected me and there's no way in hell I'm letting him win

" No let's stay, things are just getting interesting" I say it as I watch Travis whispering things to his date that are making her cheeks glow like Rudolph's nose and I smile to know that will be doing nothing at all for Travis, he can have easy girls like her just by snapping his fingers and that bores him, I can see it in his eyes. What he wants is me, someone that can play him at his own game, someone thats a challenge and won't back down.

I smile to myself knowing that one day I will give in to him and give him what he wants and he isn't going to know what hit him because when it comes to the bedroom I'm definitely a go hard or go home kind of girl

Mattys hand on my ass draws my attention back to him and he has that look in his eye that tells me I'm going to get it. Usually that does something to me and it's not long until we are naked or at least partly naked but this time I remain cold but I see that Travis has noticed where his hand is so I lock our fingers together and wink up at my boyfriend as a small squeal fills the air, my head snaps to the left and I watch as Travis and his 'date' indulge in a full on make out session in the middle of the packed ballroom.

I want to roll my eyes at his childish behavior but just then the girls hands reach around and grab his ass and an incinerator burns all of my resolve. Releasing Mattys hand I stomp to the bar and order 2 glasses of champagne, this is going to be a long ass night and I require fuel.


In desperate need of air I pull my face from my dates but she's like a woman possessed and lunges straight back in. I look over my shoulder to make sure Taylor is still watching my little show but find she's vanished as her asshole boyfriend raises his thumb to me and gives me a wink, I wink back, he probably thinks we're now 'bro's' little does he know I'm the one that's gonna break up his happy fuckin home.

Looking around I spot Taylor with a glass of champagne in each hand heading towards the corridor I had taken her into earlier, I don't know if she wants me or the loser to follow her but there's no way he stands a chance because before I can plan my next move I am up the stairs, and following her out the door.

Standing against the wall I watch as she downs one glass of champagne and tosses the flute before downing the second and sending that crystal champagne flute crashing to the ground where they both now lie in millions of beautiful pieces

"Enjoying the show?" I ask as I move towards her and she says nothing, her bright eyes just burn into me, speaking words I don't understand "Your boyfriend definitely was, he gave me the thumbs up and everything" I'm standing right in front of her and her eyes never leave mine as she heaves in a heavy breath and then sighs it back out

"You have a girl more than willing standing probably creaming her panties for you out there, so why are you back here?"

"Because I don't want her" In truth I don't want anyone but Taylor right now but I will be damned if I will give her any more power over me by exposing my truth to her, Instead I reach out and push her long hair over her shoulder and drop my head into the crook of her neck, kissing it gently as I just about drown in her scent

"You know Travis..."

I move to her collar bone, trailing my tongue across her warm skin as I drop one hand to her waist and push the second deep into her hair. She keeps her arms firmly by her sides refusing to give in to me and that just makes my ego growl, I will have her on her knees for me by the end of this night or I will die trying

"I have given you 2 chances before this and you have blown both of them"

Blow... Yes baby, you see where this is going too

I press kisses into the cleavage thats swelling out from her dress and I feel her shiver but still her arms remain rigid.

Lifting my head from the promised land I nibble on her ear lobe and then whisper 'Third time's a charm' and in a flash her lips are on mine and her body's pressed tightly against my own, spinning us round I crash her against the wall as my hands grab for everything they can reach, her ass, her chest, I press my hardening dick into her centre and when she moans at the contact I know I have to have her, I don't care where we are, how many people are close by, nothing matters to me except taking her as my own.

Reaching down I take handfuls of the silky material of her dress and push it up to her waist and then drop my hand into her black lacy panties and it's pretty obvious that she wants me just as badly as I want her

"Travis" she moans against my neck and I reach down to pop open the button on my pants and then lower the zipper, once more I dip my hand into her panties and run a finger through her heat

"I thought you said you didn't want me" I whispered in to her mouth before devouring her in a hot kiss, her tongue standing no chance against mine. Pulling away she pushes her hands in to the back of my pants and squeezes my ass

"I lied" and then her legs are around my waist, as I push her firmly against the wall and move her panties to one side and position my dick at her entrance.

God I have been living for this moment since the very first time I laid eyes on her

"Travis" she whines, her impatience turning me on even more if that's at all possible

"Mr. Kelce!"

What the fuck?!

Taylor and I both freeze having been caught well and truely in 'the act'. She drops her head onto my shoulder and my dick which is still waiting eagerly at her enterance begs me to ignore whoever is brave enough to interrupt this moment and just take her anyways

"If you could please put my daughter down and return to the ballroom the speeches are about to begin. Taylor, leave. Now!"

Well, well, well Camila is Dr. Swifts daughter

"Caught by your father ay? How exciting" she slides down me and rolls her eyes

"That man's an asshole of the highest order" her eyes drop to my crotch and she licks her lips "Nice dick, maybe I can meet him again some time"

Fuck, this girl!!!

"Don't you worry" I say whilst tucking him reluctantly back into my pants "I get the feeling you and he are going to become very well aquainted"

And with that I strut back into the ballroom knowing it might not be tonight but very soon I'm going to be buried in her and I can't fuckin wait.

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