Dessert For A Starving Man

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12.15 am and I'm just arriving home. Every part of me hurts, my head, my eyes, my back, my feet... Remind me to never wear heels to work again, oh that's right, Miki says they are required, almost like a uniform, apparently they help set the tone of the store, sounds like bullshit to me but whatever.

Pushing open my front door I almost squeal with excitement at the thought of taking off my heels, taking off my bra and putting on my slackest t-shirt and diving straight in to bed but as I walk inside I'm aware something is severely off.

The place is tidy, actually not just tidy but  immaculate and it smells amazing, like the most delicious food is cooking, Lara and I live on takeout so it can't possibly be true  but as I look to the oven sure enough something yummy is happily cooking away.

This can't be Lara's doing, she and Joe headed out of town this morning for a romantic getaway. My mind drifts to me, Travis the sun and sex on the beach

Stepping deeper into my apartment I hear the sound of running water and as I pop my head around the bathroom door I see the shower is already running, fresh towels and a beautiful silk nightdress I have never seen before sit waiting for someone... For me??? But how? Who? couldn't be.

I push open my bedroom door

It fuckin is!!!!

Sat cross legged in the middle of my bed holding up a sign that reads 'Sorry For Being A Dick' is Travis and he has the biggest pout and puppy dog eyes I have ever seen in my life

"What's going on?"

He doesn't speak, instead he holds the sign higher and pouts harder

"There's no way Travis Kelce is actually apologising for something"

he nods "

Actually admitting something was his fault"

he clenches his teeth together and begrudgingly nods again "

Actually holding his hands up and saying..."

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up buttercup" he throws the sign to the floor and pat's the space next to him on the bed and I sit down and place a soft kiss on his cheek, letting him know that we are okay and I appreciate the effort he's gone to

"You cleaned?"

"Of course I didn't clean, I paid a company to clean"


"It's takeaway, I'm just keeping it warm"

"The shower? Did you hire someone to come in and turn on the tap?"

"No, the shower was all me" he looks so proud I almost want to pat his head as you would a puppy dog "The towel and nightdress were Robin though so if you hate them it's their fault"

I take his face in my hands and kiss his lips and then both cheeks and then his nose "What's happening to you?" I ask and he smiles whilst he looks down at the duvet between us, his cheeks turning pink

"I think I'm turning into a boyfriend" he smiles again and I can see the thought of that no longer terrifies him

"And how do you feel about that?"

"I feel like if I had the correct amount of training I could be the best boyfriend there ever was, just like I'm the best at everything else I do"

"And the most modest"

"Modesty is overrated" he winks and then kisses the tip of my nose "Shower?"

"Sure, I think you've earned it" I take his hand and move to stand up but he shakes his head

"You have had a long day, go shower and I will plate up the food, it's just lasagne, nothing fancy"

"I love lasagne"

"And I brought bananas, how's that for attentive?" He stands up from the bed and pulls me to my feet and my heart begins to melt in my chest and drip down to my groin

"The least I can do is let you watch me undress" I wink at him as I move to unbutton my shorts and he chuckles as he turns and walks away from me

"Shower then food Taylor" as he exits my bedroom I suddenly feel very, very frustrated, I wanted  to have sex with him in the shower, I  wanted to strip for him, I love how he can never disguise how turned on he gets at the sight of my naked body but he turned me down both times and that's beginning to piss me off.

The shower relaxes my aching muscles and the new silky nightdress mades me feel sexier than I have in a long time. Sharing our meal I keep looking longingly at Travis hoping he takes the hint but he seems more interested in eating his lasagne than eating any part of me.

As he babbles on about some business deal he just closed through mouthfuls of his meaty meal I lose patience completely. Pushing my plate from me I stand up and I see him watch me in surprise.

Wordlessly I walk to the fridge and take out a carton of strawberries, one can of cream and then a container of chocolate sauce. Walking to the table I push Travis' plate away from him and slam the items down in its place

"Dessert. My bedroom. Now!" I turn on my heel and strut towards my bedroom, tearing the nightdress over my head as I walk and then grin as I hear Travis scrabbling to pick up the items before his his footsteps fall heavily behind me. As I step into my room the items fly past me like missiles and land on my bed as a strong arm wraps around my waist and lifts me into the air before dropping me heavily onto the bed and then a warm body drops down on top of me, his wet mouth moving effortlessly from my ear to my chest whilst his hands reach for one of the 'dessert' items

"Hungry?" I ask through a smile

"Starving" he replies whilst ripping his t shirt over his head and using a large hand to push me back on to the bed "My favourite dessert is a sundae by the way" his hands are on the waistband of his jeans and in seconds he's kneeling in between my legs wearing only his boxers "Cream..." The cold cream landing on my heat has me gasping loudly but before I can say anything he continues "chocolate sauce..." Again the cool liquid on my most sensitive parts has me squirming and panting but there's just one more part and he looks down at my as he places a strawberry just at my entrance and grins down at me "Ding, ding, dessert for Kelce is served" and before I can say another word his face is buried in his dessert and he's feasting on me like a starving man.

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