Motherfucker I'm On A Date

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"Why are you so nervous?"

Excuse me what?!

I look at Taylor with such a look of disgust that you would think she had just broken wind in a public place.

I'm not nervous, I dont get nervous, I'm fuckin Travis Kelce, she should be nervous around me, not the other way round

"I'm not nervous! " I splutter out then inwardly face-palm my brain for cutting out at the worst possible time and making me seem like a complete and utter loser

"You are so, you keep stuttering and blushing and you haven't made one inappropriate comment to me all night" I snort as a response and feel a strong urge to strangle myself to death to save me from my lameness but instead I do what I'm best at, I start talking shit.

"Maybe I'm just tired of your company and I'm struggling to find things to talk about with you because you are so boring" I fix her with what I hope is a steely gaze but when she just rolls her eyes and blows out a laugh into my face I know she's about to come out fighting

"And maybe you're scared because you're on a date and you don't want to admit that you're on a date because you're big bad, lady fucker Travis Kelce and you 'don't do' dates" she uses air quotes on the 'don't do' and I want to rip her hands from her arms to prevent her from ever doing that to me again and then I consider what other things she can use her hands to do to me and decide to leave her body in tact... Until I get her alone at least.

I narrow my eyes as she takes a carrot stick between her lips and I'm reminded of our antics the previous night. My pants are suddenly two sizes too small and the blood that has just rushed from my brain to my groin has made me light headed but I take a sip of my wine and quickly regain my senses. This 'banter' is our unique form of foreplay and as with any part of the bedroom experience, I will not be dominated

"Don't flatter yourself this is not a date, this is just me trying to buy my way into your pants, is it working?"

"Travis, you know fine well that if all you wanted to do was get me naked you could have just called and asked if I wanted to have sex on the hood of my dad's car and I would have been there, no cost involved"

"Yeah? Well I'll remember that for our second..."


Her eyebrows are in her hair and she's chewing on her bottom lip before I can even grasp what the hell I almost admitted to

Mother Fucker I'm on a date!!!

Something in my stomach bubbles over and begins to burn white in my chest

"Alright, alright we're on a date" the words almost choke me with their toxicity. Dating, hand holding, sweet words

Puke, puke and triple puke, give me making out, fucking and after glow any day of the week.

"So is this a good time to discuss your girlfriend?"


Gulping down the rest of my wine, I signal for a refill and watch as Taylor observes me with what can only be described as 'mild amusement'. I order a whiskey on the rocks and decide to just commit to whatever chaos I set into motion when I invited Taylor out tonight

"Ex-girlfriend" her eyes go huge and I know what she's thinking so I need to calm that shit down before she gets too carried away "No, it wasn't because of you before you cream your panties at the thought of having me all to yourself. She was... Difficult, being with me wasn't making her any easier because I'm..."


Well, she's not wrong

"So you're single now?" I nod, I want to tell her I have pretty much been single for the last two years of my relationship but then worry about the thoughts that might put into her mind. Will she second guess whatever's going on here between us? Will she kick me to the curb believing I can never be faithful

Can I be faithful?! Would I ever want to be?!

Ever since girls discovered me when I was 15 years old I have had what I wanted from them and then moved on to the next if I decided to make Taylor my next 'girlfriend' what would that mean? If I went out and hooked up with some girl would she accept it like Carmen had?

I have the feeling she would probably be more likely to slice off my balls when I was sleeping. If I had to commit to having sex with no one but her for... However long we lasted could I do that? For some reason the thought didn't scare me and that fact alone caused my blood to run cold.

This was different to anything I had felt before, there were genuine fears and concerns, genuine questions without answers and my head was 3 glasses deep into a bottle of wine and things were beginning to make little to no sense except one thing and that was just how much I wanted her.

I watch the way her blond hit fall over her shoulder and the way her full pout curls at the edges when she thought she had one over on me. The way her cleavage heaves when she laughs and although I have feasted on larger I had rarely tasted sweeter. Her black lace top hangs free of one shoulder and I just want to curl my fingers in the fabric and free her other shoulder and then peel it away to free her breasts

OK, date or no date I need to bring this to an end and get her somewhere with a surface of any kind, something I can press her up against or lay her down on, anything so I can have my way with her before my pants are ripped apart at the seems

"Okay, I vote we head to a hotel"

"Oh you do, do you?"

"Yeah we can celebrate the fact we made it through our first... 'D' day" she rolls her eyes at my inability to say 'date' but I forge ahead "Well we made it through this without you going off in a strop and without me getting into a fight, I would say that was something worth celebrating"


"Yeah?" I want her to say let's go to the hotel, let's get naked with a copy of the karma sutra to keep us up all night, I want her to whisper filthy promises of the things to come. Instead she leans in and I sneak a glance down her top. No bra... My pants aren't gonna last a second longer

"Travis, my eyes are up here"

"Sorry, but its not your eyes that interest me" her face tells me I'm walking on thin ice but it's just so easy to be inappropriate with her "So, hotel now 'D' day was such a roaring success?" I hope my eyes look as hopeful as my dick feels

"Travis, they just served our starter... This 'D' day, isn't over by a long shot, there's still plenty time for strops and fist fights" She nibbles on another carrot stick and I swear someone just poured scalding hot water all over my groin

"How long do we have to sit here for?!" my voice sounds desperate and her smile tells me she knows how desperate im feeling as I feel her foot slide up my calf and along my thigh

"I'm pretty hungry..." her foot makes contact with my dick and I can feel him dancing for joy in my pants

Yes baby, yes!

"I feel like I could sit here eating and drinking with you all night" her foot falls away and she returns to nibbling on her veggies


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