I Don't Care About You, I Care About Having Sex with You

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Reaching down, I tap Taylor on the shoulder then plaster on my biggest smile and wait. As she turns around to see who's interrupting her makeout session I smile bigger and then give her a little wave

"Hi there" I say it in a sing song voice and then shoot the boy a look that let's him know he has exactly 5 seconds to remove his hand from her ass before I rip it from his body and shove it way up his own ass.

"Trav!" she smiles in delight and wraps her arms around my waist and I grin at the guy standing in stunned silence

"Who the fuck is this guy?"

"What the fucks it got to do with you?!" I bark back whilst taking a step closer and he shrinks away from me like I knew he would

"This is my Traaaaaavus" drawls Taylor, she's so drunk I know there's no chance in hell this guy is getting anywhere near her tonight, or any other night for that matter but definitely not tonight when she's too drunk to know better "He's my boyfriend" she whispers the last word and giggles "Just don't tell him that cos then he'll probably have a seizure" she giggles into my chest and I look towards her friend for the night

"I'm not her boyfriend" I say it as Taylors eyes move to behind me and I notice the girl from earlier still has her hand on the small of my back

"Who's the girl?" she asks, suddenly sounding very sober and very pissed off

"Who's the boy?" I shoot back but before she can answer the blond decides to butt in and cause all kinds of problems for me

"I'm the girl that's just about to give your boyfriend the best head of his life she smirks and tightens her grip on my shirt.

I chuckle a little as I look at Taylor, her face like thunder, she isn't finding any of this funny and that's unfortunate... For me

" You're out here picking up girls?! "

" Uh, you're the one making out with some random guy!"

"I was upset about Lara, I needed a pick me up, what's your excuse?!"

"Vodka?" I say with a smile and hold the half empty bottle up as proof

"Oh yes please" Taylor takes the bottle from my hands, unscrews the cap and begins gulping

"Hey!" I snatch it away from her "I'm not cleaning you up if you puke everywhere so slow the fuck down"

"I will" says the desperate guy and the way his eyes drop to her chest makes me wrap my arm around her and pull her to me protectively

"Sorry desperado but she's coming with me" I start to walk away with Taylor when I realise the blond appears to be coming with us. "Where are you going?" I pause just long enough to ask

"With you guys, the more the merrier right?"

"No!" I see Taylors eyes begin to roll back as I'm suddenly baring more of her body weight than she is "Fuck off out of here" I say, handing her the bottle of vodka and wrapping my arms behind Taylors thighs and picking her up bridal style

"Looking after me when I'm drunk is such a boyfriend thing to do" she says as she snuggles against my chest

"Piss off Swift"

"I love how you can carry me like I weigh nothing"

"You do weigh nothing, you need to eat more"

"Caring about my dietary intake is such a boyfriend thing to do"

"Don't push it Swift, I can drop you at any time"

"You wouldn't do that"

"Wouldn't I?"

"No" she shakes her head with confidence "Because you care about me"

"Do I?"

"Admit it"

"I will not"

"Do it, admit that you care about me"


"Do it"

"I don't care about you" I say it with a smile on my lips "I care about being able to have sex with you that's all"

"You snuggled with me this morning"

What the fuck did she just say to me??!

"After the sex, you thought I was asleep and you snuggled me"

"Fuck off"

"You did, who knew Travis Kelce was a snuggler???"

"I most definitely am not a snuggler"

"You most definitely are and let me tell you, you snuggle good"

"Do you want me to see how high you bounce?" I hold her away from my body threatening to drop her

"Okay I'll stop on one condition"

"Anything to shut you up"

"You take me home and snuggle with me" she laughs as though she's the funniest person on earth and I'm ready to just throw her into the crowd and catch a cab home alone but then she begins singing softly against my chest as her arms remain looped around my neck and she begins running her nails up and down my neck and into my hair.

She feels so soft and warm against me and her voice is like a siren calling a sailor to rocks. This girl is dangerous to me, I'm getting too involved but everytime I try to put distance between us she pulls me in closer

"My place it is then" she doesn't answer she just kisses my neck a few times and then returns to humming her song

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