Make Me Cum Right Here, Right Now

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I step into the elevator that's going to take me up to the penthouse suite and for a moment I can't even work out why I'm here.

Travis had been a jerk, he had humiliated me and I had in turn humiliated him in the back of his limo, we should have gone our separate ways that night and never looked back and yet here I am, meeting him in a hotel, the price he's paying for my company telling me he expects a little more than dinner and polite conversation but I'm here, I'm dressed to impress and for some reason I'm not backing out

Catching sight of myself in the glass of the elevator, I smile proudly, I look hot and I know it.

My high waisted pencil skirt hugs and accentuates my ass perfectly, the black, high knecked cropped t-shirt shows a sliver of the skin of my waist and my heels make the toned muscles of my calves pop. My hair is loose and my makeup is light, any man that can resist me like this is an absolute Saint, something I know the man I'm about to spend the evening with is definitely not.

Why I have dressed to impress him when I had cockblocked him so ferociously the week before I'm not sure of, all I know is he has been on my mind. Not the guy in the ballroom, not the one that had hi-fived his friends and sneered in my direction but the one I had first met. The one with the twinkle in his eyes and the million kilawatt smile.

Exiting the elevator I huff in a deep breath and prepare myself to meet which ever version of 'Travis' he has decided to show up as tonight.

"Hey Taylor..." his voice is light and his face visibly brightens at the sight of me and my stomach does an unexpected flip. Forcing my body to behave I fix him with a stern glare

"I'm not having sex with you"

Travis' laugh is loud against the quietness of the room but it is genuine

"We'll see about that" he whispers into my ear as I raise a hand to his chest and push him away, a smile fighting for dominance on my lips

"So, what do you think of the suite?" Travis asks, looking very proud of the fact he had managed to get it just one week after asking when usually there was a month's long wait

"It's fine, I have stayed here before" I inform him whilst dropping down on the soft, brown leather sofa

"You have? Why choose it then? I said any hotel, any city"

"I like this hotel, my dad used to bring us here for New Years Eve"

"This suite?" I nod and pull out my phone, to check my messages "Any hotel in any city and you choose a suit you used to come to with your dad?"

"Wild right?"

"Fuckin weird if you ask me" Travis walks past me and reaches for a bottle of Vueve Clicquot "I think I need a drink to wipe those images from my brain"

"What images?" I asked innocently, my eyes wide and my smile threatening to spill over my lips

"Me fuckin you in the bed where your dad once lay" on his final word the cork pops from the bottle and Travis lifts a finger to his lips and sucks the spillage off whilst staring me down. His eyes saying a thousand words


"Of course"

Travis takes two glasses and fills them with the bubbly liquid

"What shall we toast to?"

"To you keeping it in your pants" He stifles a smile and shakes his head

"To getting to know each other in, and out of pants" he winks smugly before lifting the glass to his full, pink pout and taking in a long sip. My heart rate picking up slightly at the things the evening may hold

Dinner is served on the balcony and the conversation flows easily, Travis speaks about his job, his childhood and touches on his unconventional relationship with his girlfriend. I on the other hand just listen and ask questions, being attentive and interested without giving too much away about myself. Memories of the man Travis could become forcing me to keep any information about me and my real life to myself.

After dinner Travis pours is both a shot of Baileys, the Irish liqueur burning my throat and causing a looseness to take over my body.

Moving to the sofa, we observe a comfortable silence as we enjoy our drinks as well as enjoying the view of each other.

Travis is dressed in a plain white t shirt and light blue jeans, his feet now bare and as the t-shirt pulls tight over his chest and biceps I began to acknowledge the heat of want beginning to build low below my belly button.

Placing my glass down on to the coffee table, I lift my head and gaze into his eyes and watch his lips lifting into a knowing smile

"So, tell me Taylor, how did a girl like you end up in an occupation like this?" His hand drops to my knee as his finger tips began massaging patterns into the material of my skirt

"I was looking for a way to piss off my dad if I'm being honest. I don't need the money but he's a dick and it would really sicken him to know I was going on dates for money and that kind of makes me happy"

"Just dates, what about the rest of it?" his voice is low as his fingers slowly rub higher up my thigh, his glass being set aside in the process

"There is no 'rest of it' sex is sex, if I choose to do that with someone I meet on the site it will be because I'm in the mood for sex, not because they are paying me to have sex, Im not a whore but I'm not a prude either" I lift his hand from my thigh and just as he's about to protest I move it to my hip and then move in, closing the space between us and when I hesitate as though I'm about to change my mind, Travis' hands shoot out and take hold of my face, before I have time to breathe his lips are against my own, his sweet breath mingling with mine, massaging kisses into my mouth as his fingers take hold of my waist and pull me into his arms.


There is nothing soft or delicate about the makeout session that follows. I was burning with want and I couldn't find it in myself to downplay it. My hands gripped her hips and then her ass, her thighs and then her chest. My mouth moving faster against hers, my fingers unable to touch as much of her as I wanted to, as my entire body needed to. Taylor's hands roam up under my t-shirt, following the lines of my abs and chest and then brushing backwards and forwards over my nipples with her thumbs. As she reaches down to plam my crotch I groan loudly before heaving her onto my lap and guiding her hips to move frantically against my own

"Fuck..." I pull her skirt up and push it to her waist revealing a black lacy thong "Fuuuck" She grabs the hem of my t shirt and rips it over my head before I bury my head in the crook of her neck and allowing my hand to travel under her shirt and explore ever inch of the soft skin of her breasts

"Bedroom" I growl "Now!" but Taylor just pushes herself backwards and slips back on to the couch beside me panting and attempting to regain control of her breathing "Where the fuck are you going?" In a split second I'm over her, hands roaming her thighs and my mouth exploring hers once more but moving a hand to my chest she pushes me back

"Don't stop me" my eyes must be pleading as I see her notice my dick straining hard against my jeans. I'm on the edge of losing control and Taylor is looking at me as though she has never seen a more beautiful sight in her life

"You want me?" she asks, her own voice heavy with lust "Make me cum"

"Get in the bedroom and and I will spend all goddamn night pleasing you" I grip my clothed crotch and squeeze, moaning and closing my eyes, imagining the pleasure to come

"One condition" My eyes snap open as I look at her intently "You make me cum right here, right now, using only your mouth and I'm yours for the night. Everything and anything you want I'm here for you. What do you think Travis? Are you capable of giving pleasure as well as taking it? Deal or no deal?"

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