Motherfucker, I'm About To Commit Murder

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"Fuckin girls!" Joe and I shout as we clink our shot glasses together and then down the contents and as a fire blazes from my throat to my stomach I feel excited about the possabilities that lie in front of me tonight. Alcohol... Nightclubs... Girls... Taylor


Joe and I have come up with a ridiculous game to play and it includes taking a shot every time I think of Taylor or he thinks of Lara, so far we have managed to drink half of a bottle of Grey Goose and we arrived just a little over an hour ago.

Pouring myself a shot Joe snorts out a laugh and I fix him with a look that tells him he's no better, the way he takes two attempts to pick up his shot glass tells me Lara and the vodka have already hit hard.

"To being single" I yell louder than I need to before sinking another shot and realising a few girls are hanging around next to us and I decide to do something very, very silly. "Come join us ladies" I say, reaching over and pulling a few extra seats to our table "There's plenty Goose to go round" I signal to the bar tender that we need more shot glasses and when they arrive I fill one for each of our new friends.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Joe's taking another shot and I laugh knowing the girls joining us have immediately made him think of Lara, I bet he's feeling guilty about just sharing drinks with these girls even though he broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago and is totally single and totally available, as am I. What a pussy!

Uh oh, that took my mind places and this time it's me reaching for the shot

"What's the rush?" One of the girls asks whilst placing her hand on my thigh and I reach for a spare shot glass and pour myself two shots and line them up in front of me in preparation

"Oh it's just a game we're playing" admits Joe and I bark his name at him to prevent him telling any more of our sorry tale.

The drama at Taylor's house followed by the meaningless sex that didn't feel meaningless at all and then waking up with her wrapped in my arms like some fucking rom com movie had me spiralling.

I was single, I liked single, even when I had a girlfriend of 2 years I had been single for all intents and purposes the last thing I need right now is some girl coming along and making me think about hand holding and love making and skipping through fuckin flower fields

"You're thinking about her, pour another shot!" Joe shouts and I get such a fright I tip my other two shots all over the pretty lady that's sitting to my right

"I was not!" I yell back at him whilst dabbing the woman's barely there dress with a napkin and apologising in between arguing with Joe

"You had a sappy look on your face Kelce, that's a Taylor face"

"Who's Taylor asks the girl I'm currently pawing unintentionally"

"She's no one"

Liar, liar Travis' dick will be on fire if she finds out I said that

"She's the girl he likes" Joe's shouts whilst downing another shot, thoughts of Lara obviously still plaguing his alcohol riddled mind

"She's not" I inform the woman before realising I can now stop wiping and I grin uneasily, realising I could have stopped a while ago

"Do you want to go somewhere so I can help you forget about her?" I pause to thing about it and Joe pushes a glass towards me. Shot, you're thinking about her whilst you think about getting head off this girl here, WHICH,is pretty disgusting seeing as how you just met him and can tell he's pining over another girl"

Pining??? This motherfucker!!!

But the rules are the rules so I sink a shot and then swipe the remaining bottle

"You" I point a finger at Joe "Have had enough, go wipe your eyes and get back with Lara. You..." I say to the blond who's chest I have just been cleaning "You, are coming with me" and taking the bottle we make our way across the dance floor towards the exit when all of a sudden I see a certain girl with her arms wrapped around the neck of a guy as he attempts to eat her face

Motherfucker I'm about to commit murder...

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