How've You Been?

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Holy fucking hell!

I see Taylor come around the corner with Lara and I swear someone just sucked all the air out of my body, I know I'm supposed to be doing something with all the oxygen around me I just can't remember what that is until Joe whacks me hard on the back and I am shocked back into the here and now

"Breathe Kelce, you look like you're about to pass out"


I watch Taylor and Lara engage in some kind of conversation but then I remember I haven't cut my hair and begin to panic. Is it too much? What if she only likes shaved haired dudes what if longer haired dudes are a major turn off??

Chill the fuck out Travis, the way you're sweating right now you will be a curly haired fuzz ball by the time she reaches the table

I'm sitting staring and I'm suddenly aware that I'm grinning like an idiot so I clench my teeth together as Joe whispers 'Go get your girl' into my ear and suddenly I'm useless. I forget how to stand up, how to walk, how to breath and I need to breath to talk. I'm shaking... Im actually shaking and I suddenly wonder if I'm getting a fever, maybe I'm sick?

"You're actually nervous" laughs Joe

"No I'm not, I think I'm sick"

"Yeah love sick" he laughs and shakey hands or not I want to slap his face so hard he chokes on that laughter.

Pushing myself to my feet, I roll up the sleeves of my shirt to try and cool myself down and then I walk towards her, feeling my heartbeat echoing around in my head.

"Hey" I can't help but smile again at how beautiful she looks as I dip my head and kiss her cheek. In truth I want to snatch her up and run back to my house where it's just the two of us so I can kiss and taste and touch her in my own sweet time but I'm a reformed man, I have suffered through 2 months without her, if being a gentleman and taking my time is what it takes to make her mine then that's what I'm going to do or I'm going to die trying

"Can I take your jacket?" she nodds and I slip it from her shoulders, my fingertips grazing her skin and it feel like my flesh is on fire.

God I want her, her scent alone is taking me back to the days and nights I had her but tonight I'm gentleman Travis so I hold her jacket in one hand and slip my other into hers.

God she feels good and when she smiles up at me I can't help but squeeze her hand to reassure her that it's fine. I'm here, I have changed, this is going to be okay.

Taking a seat I finally let go of her hand as we all make our dinner choices in silence. After placing our dinner orders the silence descends again and I feel Joe kick my shin and motion towards Taylor. I know I should speak to her but my mind has all of a sudden gone blank

"How've you been?"

It's not gonna have her falling into my arms but it's a start and at least they were real words and not the grinding and stuttering I heard in my head

"I've been OK"

In my head I translate that as 'I've missed you Travis' and fuck how I've missed her

"What about you? It sounds like you have had an exciting couple of months if Frankie's to be believed"

That fuckin name!!! I'm busy working on ways to bring the sky down on that bitch but right now I have a Taylor to woo

"What can I say? I've had a lot of that 'bad boy' energy you love so much to burn off. It builds up pretty quickly in an empty bed"

I wink and she blushes slightly and she looks even cuter, if that's possible

"Well I wasn't aware you used that bed for anything other than sleeping anyways" this time she winks at me and I'm doing cartwheels inside

This flirting game is fucking on! And this is one game I'm definitely superior at

"And recovery...dont forget how important recovery is after strenuous activity" I wink and see Lara and Joe making vomiting faces.

Fuck you two, you don't get the monopoly on being cute let me and my girl show you how it's done

"And snuggling"

"Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, how many times do I have to tell you, guys like me don't 'snuggle' we just hold our trophies really tight"

"Fuck sake you guys!" At least wait til we have had wine to dull the senses before you inflict this on us" Says Lara whilst covering her face in disgust but I just look to Taylor and smile, she smiles back and I realise this just might be going to work out this time.


"I missed you" I hadn't intended on being the first to admit it but it's all I can think every time I look at him.

That hair, those eyes, those lips, that voice... I have missed every part of him and I want him to know it even if he doesn't feel the same, or at least isn't willing to admit he feels the same

"I missed you too"

Holy hell he said it!

Standing at the door of my apartment he reaches down and strokes my face and my breath sticks in my throat

"It feels good doesn't it?"

I frown, not trusting myself to speak without my voice embarrassing me

"When I touch you, it feels good. I feel it too"

"Do you want to come in?"

Woah Taylor slow the fuck down girl, make him work for it, make him prove he wants it don't just throw yourself at him like every other whore does

"Um, I dooo but, I won't. Sorry"

What the hell?? Did he just turn me down??

He strokes my face again and then kisses my nose and I almost pout and stamp my feet demanding more but I keep control of myself... Just

"I don't want to ruin tonight by being my normal dick self, I want to wine you and dine you and walk you home, kiss you on your door step and then go home and punch myself in the face for not coming in but I.. I want to do this right. I want to date you, properly, no other girls, no games no messing around"

I feel myself starting to cry and God  I do not want to cry right now but this is the guy I want saying the words I want to hear and I can't help myself, a tear trickles down my cheek as he cups my face and slowly and softly kisses my lips, I'm desperate to deepen it, desperate to ask for more but he's trying to be good, he's trying to be what I said I wanted so I let him set the pace.

When he stops I stop, when he says goodnight I say goodnight and when he leaves I watch him go knowing he just took the first tiny part of my heart with him and although it scares me to think, I have a feeling the more I see of Travis the more of my heart he's going to take.

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