Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are

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I hit the wall of the toilet cubicle with my palm instead of doing what I want to do and that's punch myself in the face

I have been on my 'date' with Wentworth for one hour and I am in absolutely no doubt that I am out of my depth.

His hands are like that of an octopus, massaging my thighs and shoulders at the same time as his lips move towards mine. Its his birthday and I am his present to himself. He's paying me 2000 dollars for tonight and even though I told him before I agreed to the date that sex was absolutely not on the table he seems to be in a world of his own. His hands are everywhere his mouth and tongue can't keep away and I have locked myself in the toilet cubicle begging my heart to calm down and my common sense to take over


Oh my fuckin God he's in the girls toilets looking for me. I say nothing but sit down on the toilet seat and hope he will take the hint.

"I see your shoes baby girl, come out to daddy" my stomach turns and I wish to God I had never heard of a Sugar Baby or Sugar Daddy.

When it was Travis it was all fun and games cos he was cute and his interest was sexy but Wentworth is nothing short of scary, nothing like the sweet guy that came up to me during my date with Travis

"Taylor, I paid for more than an hour why don't you come out here and pay up"

I feel so sick, so disappointed in myself but more than anything I feel so afraid. I search my brain for someone who can help me, someone that knows but won't judge someone I trust

"Fuck!!!" I almost scream out loud before grabbing my cell phone and pressing 'call'

It rings 3 times before he answers


"I'm not phoning because I want to"

I hear his breath hitch in interest

"I'm with Wentworth, well actually in locked in a bathroom cubicle, I'm only calling you because... I'm scared Travis"

"Where are you?"


"Are you safe?"

"Like I said I'm in a toilet cubicle, I have locked myself in here and he's creeping around the girls toilets looking for me"

"Don't move, do not take a step outside the booth I'm on my way. No matter what he says stay where the fuck you are"


"Promise, do you promise me?"

I promise him I won't move but then I hear Wentworth pacing the ladies room and my blood runs cold

"Sugar baby?"

I say nothing I just sit myself on the toilet seat and stay quiet

"Sugee sugee" he coos and I hear him tapping on the cubicle doors

How is this this the same guy I spoke to at Travis'' work do? That night he had seemed so sweet and interested, tonight he just seems interested in getting in to my pants and whether I say yes or no to him doesn't seem to matter.

"Taylor!" he slams his hand hard on to the cubicle door and I bite back a scream. He's here, just inches from me and it's going to take Travis time to get here, maybe I should have just called the cops, admitted to what I was doing and what I was but for some reason my mind went straight to Travis and now I'm here, trapped like prey to a predator and I can't steady my brain enough to get myself out of this predicament

"My little lover, come out, come out wherever you are"

I bite back the need to scream abuse and punch him in the face, knowing that it would probably only turn him on. Instead my thoughts turn to Travis and I wait for him to bust in here and help me out"

The sound of a shoe smashing into a wooden door alerts me to a bad situation going even more wrong

"Bitch!" I hear Wentworth bark as he attempts to break down the barrier between us. I jump up on to the toilet bowl, attempting to put as much distance between us as possible but with the second kick of his shoe the door gives way and he is stood, red faced before me as I gawp down at him from on top of the toilet bowl

"What the fuck is your game sugar?" his words are gentle, his tone and face are not as he reaches out and grabs my wrist pulling me to him. "I paid for your company why the fuck am I chasing you around toilet blocks?"

"I told you no sex"

"And I told you I'm in charge, I paid, I make the rules"

"And I told you I don't follow the rules" his hand coming down hard against my cheek was just another sign that I was losing what little control I had of this situation, as I clutched at my face his hands went under my arms and heaved me up into the porcelain sink

"I paid for you, you are mine, like it or not" and with that he dove into my neck, his lips kissing and chewing at my flesh, I wanted to lash out but I was afraid of the repercussions. I had called Travis but would he turn up? After everything that had happened and not happened between us would he care enough to come and help me?

"Stop it!" my voice sounds pathetic and does nothing but cause him to laugh loudly against my flesh

"It's too late for that sweetheart" his teeth bite down on my shoulder as I let out a yelp and then everything begins running in slow motion as a hand wraps around Wentworths throat pulling him backwards, I hear him call out in distress and hear knuckles colliding with flesh and then a struggle but feel nothing but relief. He's away from me, his clammy claws cant latch on to my skin, his dirty words can't contaminate me

"Are you OK?" I stop for a second and look into Travis' eyes and I could only imagine they are as dark and panicked as my own.

I nod slowly trying to take in my surroundings and all the events of the evening

"Did he hurt you?"

"He was going to" Travis nodded knowing that was just as bad as if the act had been carried out

"Can I take you somewhere? Home? A friend's?" his eyes are heavy with genuine concern and it made me long for him. Up until this very moment our attraction had been nothing but physical but at this moment it was everything I could ever imagine a connection being and that scared the shit out of me

"Im fine" I lied

"I can take you home"

"I have a boyfriend for that" I knew it was a lie, I knew after tonight it was over, we couldn't go back but I also knew Travis was not an option, he was a player, a nice guy at times, a bad guy at other but he had a whole load of baggage.

"Taking me home means I refund you 1000 dollars"

"Piss off, me taking you home means I stop you being raped and that is enough" without even thinking about it I step towards him and his hand raises to my cheek

"I hate you" I say waiting for his reaction but he just narrows his eyes and widens his smile

"I hate not being able to fuck you too, his voice is so confident, his eyes so sure

"Take me home"

"Your house or mine?"

"You're an asshole"

"One of these days you're going to have your hands on my asshole"

"In your dreams"

"You're in every on of my wet dreams, believe that"

God this guy is annoying, he's so full of himself but why is that pulling me to him instead of pushing me away?

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