The Sex Toy

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"Your sex toy left already, If that's who you're looking for"

"Did you see him go?" Taylor asked whilst pouring a coffee and twirling some golden ribbon around her finger, looking at it intently, trying to prevent Lara from looking at her too closely and seeing what Taylor was sure would be obvious on her face

"I did, he all but limped out of here poor guy. By the sounds of things you didn't leave him alone all night. Do I need to remind you our walls are paper thin Miss. Swift?"

"Sorry" Taylor wasn't sorry at all, she had made the most of her night with Travis and if she had got slightly carried away at times well then all the better.

"So, judging by the 'enthusiastic' sex noises last night and this morning you had a good time?"

"It was okay... You know how it is" Taylor winked and then giggled loudly returning her gaze to her ribbon "So did he say anything before he left?"

"He said hi when he spotted me sitting on the balcony and then I must have given him my world famous death stare because he apologised and before I could say another word he bolted. Doing the walk of shame, jacket and shoes in hand"

"Lara you better not have scared him off, especially now you have Joe to play with, I need a boy toy too!!"

"Don't worry, he will be back, a guy doesn't make noises like that all night and then not come back for seconds and thirds"

"Were we really that loud?!" Taylor closed her eyes and cringed, she knew she had spent most of the night naked and sweaty, panting his name an obscenities in the dark wrapped up in a hot and heavy world of their own, she hadn't really given a thought to the other inhabitant of the apartment and she felt a little bit guilty now at the thought of it

"Disgustingly loud but unusually it was actually a bit of a turn on, with Matty I wanted to gouge my own eye balls out at the sound of him grunting and groaning but with Travis I almost wanted to come and join in"

"Well you know you're welcome any time" Taylor winked and giggled before holding the ribbon in front of her friends face "this with white silk, yay or nay?"

"It's a yay from me, speaking of which, did you ever complete the application for the Parsons Scool Of Design ?"

"No" Taylor pouted as she picked up a sugar cube and began sucking "The fees are so high Lara's I'm looking at nearly 47 thousand dollars for tuition alone, there's just no way"

Lara crinkled her nose at her friend's disgusting sugar addiction and then stroked her arm "Daddy Swift owes you Taylor, perhaps it's time to make him pay up"

" No, no way, he already thinks I'm such a loser that I can't do anything without him setting it up for me or pulling some strings, I really want to show him that I don't need him to be a success and I don't need to be a doctor to be successful"

"Back to being a sugar baby it is then"

"Yeah... Maybe" Taylors eyes dropped to the phone that had buzzed on the counter top to announce she had a message and her heart sank as she sank her teeth firmly into the small cube of sugar

"Whats up? Bad news from Travis? Did you break him Taylor???" Lara feigned concern but Taylor just frowned at her phone "Uh oh, that's a Daddy Swift face for sure, what does the old man want now? "

"Dinner, tonight at home, no plus one allowed and no excuse to say no accepted . Shoot me Larz, shoot me now"

"I would rather just shoot your dad to be honest"

"So much for my good mood, oh no wait... Oh my God Travis is facetiming me! God, Lara, how do I look?"

"Like someone fucked you to within an inch of your life, but go with it, it's a good look on you"

"Hey Travis" Taylor tried not to seem too enthusiastic but she knew she was grinning like an idiot

"Hey" His voice was soft and silky smooth, his lips parted in a gentle smile and Taylor felt her heart melt slightly at the sight "Naked time later??" he asked whilst wiggling his eyebrows

"Maybe" she teased whilst clenching her teeth together to prevent the smile that was screaming to be set free "Are you sure you're up to it?"

"Well I've got it on ice at the minute, look" Travis scanned the phone down over his naked chest to show his boxer clad groin with an ice pack resting on his dick.

"Oh hey Travis" said Lara looking at the screen and observing Travis in just his boxers

"Hey Lara, get a good look girl, this is what a real man looks like, Joe could never look this good" he chuckled before fixing his gaze back on Taylor "It should be ready to go again by tonight, I have meetings this afternoon but I could come over about 7?"

"She can't come out to play tonight she has a date" Lara cut in, causing Travis' face to fall and his teeth to clench

"Don't listen to her I have dinner at my dad's place, in fact..."

"Yes, yes, do it, please do it" Lara begged whilst clinging to her friends arm

"In fact what?" Travis looked puzzled, unsure what was to come

"How do you fancy an evening as a Sugar Baby Mr. Kelce?"


"Yes, you accompany me to dinner and I repay you with sex"

"What's the catch?"

"The catch is dinners at my dad's house and he specifically said no plus one so he won't be pleased to see you"

"OK, sounds great. Dinner, sex and the chance to piss off your dad, what's not to love? "

"Kelce" said Lara and Travis turned his attention to her "I think you and I are going to get along just great"

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