You Arent Playing Favourites With My Girl Are You???

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I step out of the room and stand legs apart with my hands stuffed into my pockets, my face as serious as I can make it and my eyes boring into this asshole, daring him to take one step closer to my girlfriend.

I observe the scene in silence, Taylor is stood cringing whilst a guy almost as tall as I am and slightly more jacked than I am stands way too close to her trying to spoon what looks to be dessert of some kind into her mouth.

My pulse quickens as I bite down and attempt to keep control of my temper.

"Whats for dessert Miki?" I ask keeping my voice as calm as I can

"Travis , Miki brought some of his grandma's cooking for me to try, isn't that so kind?"

"Just for you? You aren't playing favourites with my girlfriend now are you Miki?" I take a step towards him and he places the bowl and spoon down and straightens the shirt that looks like a rainbow troll just puked all over it.

"Sorry, I didn't realise we had company Tay"

"And if you had? Would you have brought two spoons?" He shifts awkwardly but he doesn't look as intimidated as I would like so I decide to up the ante "Is feeding her in the terms and conditions of her employment, she gets however many paid holidays and so many creamy desserts???"

"Travis " Taylor's hands are on my arm but I shake her off

"This is what's more important than spending time with me?" I speak to her but keep my eyes firmly on the man in front of me "Eating dessert in a backroom with a guy that looks like a coloured marker ran all over his shirt?"


"You keep your self and your desserts away from her and if I hear you insinuate she has eaten anything of yours other than your desserts again, your nonna will be feeding you through a straw for the foreseeable future, do you understand?" He doesn't answer but I wrap a hand around Taylors bicep and pull her through the store in to the out door space of the shopping mall, she doesn't fight against me, instead she just rolls her eyes and mouths and apology to her manager.

"This is why you have been blowing me off?!"

"I'm sorry but I thought it was the lack of blowing that had you so uptight" she smirks and crosses her arms across her chest pushing her cleavage up towards me and I want nothing more to bury my face in it but the little show I have just witnessed has my temper burner hotter than my libido for once.

"Tell them to fuck their job and then come home and fuck me" I reach out and stroke her hair and I see her melt under my touch. This is what I want, these moments with this girl but for some reason this shit keeps getting in the way

"Travis you know I need the money" she puts her fingers into the belt loops of my pants and pulls my hips into hers and my eyelids drop closed at the thought of what this would feel like without clothes

"I already told you, I will give you the money for school" my lips drop to the soft skin just below her ear and I pepper it with gentle kisses "You can repay me in sexual favours" I take her face in my hands and kiss her softly surprising myself that this is the man that I can be. One that relishes small kisses, nuzzling noses, one that can be starved of female physical contact for three days and not be even tempted to go looking for it elsewhere. Taylor is changing me and I'm letting her and it's actually a really beautiful experience.

"I'm not for sale" she says against my lips and I cock an eyebrow at her and remind her of where we first met

"That was different" she says it whilst twirling my tie around her finger and I continue feasting on her neck "I'm your girlfriend now, I want us to be equals, I don't want to come running to you every time I'm short on cash o don't want to constantly feel as though I owe you something"

"Has it ever crossed your mind that I would like that? that it would make me feel like more of a man knowing I was taking care of you, giving you your dreams?"

"I want to give myself my own dreams Travis " she kisses my chin and I bury myself in the crook of her neck and just enjoy the closeness and her scent "Besides, there are plenty of other things you can do for me to make yourself feel like a man" she drops her hand to my crotch and squeezes and I'm ready to cum in her palm

"Yeah well to do those I have to see you first and that's almost impossible because you're always here eating dessert or at the diner serving dessert, when are you just going to come over and let me eat dessert off every part of your naked body? I want to eat strawberries of your stomach" I kiss her lips "lick whipped cream off your chest" I raise a hand and squeeze a nipple and I enjoy the way she squirms against me

"Travis...people are watching"

"Come over tonight" I say it as sultry as I can hoping she's as turned on as I am right now and unable to say no

"I can't we have stocktake here tonight, Miki says it will be after midnight when we get out and then I have to be back for 6 tomorrow morning, I'm sorry"

"Fucking Miki!" I push her away from me harder than I intended to and I can see the hurt on her face

"Travis I'm sorry!"

"This is the reason guys don't remain faithful Taylor, this bullshit right here" my heart is pounding in my chest, my brain clouded by hormones and jealousy

"I have to work so you have to cheat, are you serious right now?!" Her cheeks are pink and I can't help but hate how beautiful she looks when she's angry

"No, I'm not going to cheat, you made damn sure I was incapable of that didn't you when you got me so addicted to you" I drop my head "Sometimes I wish I could though, sometimes it would just make all of this so much easier" I begin to walk away and hear her call my name. I hope she runs after me, grabs me, apologises and changes her mind but as I look over my shoulder I see her wrap her arms around her own body the way I want to wrap my arms around her and then she walks back into the store and I feel something dark and horrible creeping into my chest, like maybe Lara was right, maybe I'm not enough for her, maybe she is looking for someone with more substance, someone more than I can ever be.

I head back towards my car, a small voice telling me that I never deserved her and now, I'm losing her, just as I found her.

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