If It's Worth Doing It's Worth Over Doing

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Peeling my eyelids from my eyeballs is the first warning alarm that the hangover is bad, the Guns and Roses concert playing in my head is the first warning it's really, really bad and I groan loudly and then cover my head with a black silk pillow and sigh heavily

Wait, what the hell?!

I sit up faster than I should and almost black out as my shrunken, dehydrated brain rattles around in my skull

I gaze around the room and as I fall back amongst the softest pillows I have ever layen on I look to the ceiling, the mirror above me shows me in all my hungover disgustingness and I cover my face once more to save myself the embarrassment


I trawl my memory banks trying to come up with how I came to be here but come up empty. Peeking under the covers I see I'm wearing one of Travis' t-shirts and a pair of his boxers.

I can definitely tell when Travis and I have had sex and the lack of any sort of discomfort 'south of the border' confirms we weren't intimate last night and then I flashback to lying on this bed, completely naked and begging him to take me, his face was resolute, his hands refusing to stray 'you' re too drunk' he repeated over and over again whilst shaking his head and I can't help but smile at the thought of Travis 'my protector'

I'm just debating getting up and going looking for him so I can thank him when I hear a knock at the door.

Would he knock in his own house? I get the feeling Travis really isn't the type to knock and wait anywhere


"Ms. Swift, my names Robin, I'm Mr. Kelce' P.A, may I come in please?"

I can't place the voice as either male or female but it's soft and gentle so I pull the duvet up to my chin and agree they can enter.

"Mr. Kelce thought you may be feeling unwell this morning so he sent coffee, water, fruit juice and a smoothie"

"If it's worth doing its worth over doing, right?"

"I see you know my boss well" they laugh whilst placing the array of drinks on the table next to the bed "Breakfast. Waffles with bacon, fruit salad and yogurt with honey and granola"

"You know, most people suggest dry toast for a hangover, not the entire contents of a breakfast menu"

"Yes well Mr. Kelce isn't most people" the breakfast items are placed onto the table and I can tell I have said something wrong

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem ungreatful. This is very kind of him"

"Just incase you're wondering, I haven't done this for him before. Ever. I never even brought so much as a glass of water to Carmen and they were together for two years"

I smile and try not to look completely and utterly shocked by his words

"Clothes" a bag is handed to me and I unpack white Gucci track pants and a white matching sweatshirt with black interlocking 'G' signs and the word Gucci emblazoned across the front "Mr. Kelce wasn't sure of your size, in fact the only description I got was tiny as a gnat with a juicy ass, helpful, right??"

"Wow. What an image" I screw face up at the thought

"Size 8?"

"Close enough" I don't mention the fact that I buy size 6 so the fabric pulls so much tighter over my ass and I know guys love that.
Reaching back into the bag I pull out a pair of white, leather Gucci Ace sneakers, again with the interlocking 'G' and I just shake my head "I can't take these, it's too much"

"As you said, if it's worth doing to Mr. Kelce it's worth overdoing. He thought last nights outfit might now be ruined  by the um... Vomit"

" I puked in front of Travis?! Oh my Holy God no!!! No wonder he didn't want to have sex with me last night he probably thinks I'm the most disgusting creature to ever walk the earth" I sink under the duvet and fight the urge to cry

"I think if that was true he would have just kicked you out of his house, he's not really known for his tact, he would have told you that you were a disgusting creature and kicked you out into the night air and left you to find your own way home, but instead he bought the entire contents of a breakfast menu and the entire contents of a Gucci store. I would say 'disgusting' didn't even cross his mind once"
I smile at the kind words of a stranger, well a stranger to me but a trusted employee to Travis

"Eat, drink, dress and then I will drive you home" Robin gives me a large genuine smile and I pick up the bottle of water and the fruit salad and smile... Travis, my protector, maybe I could get used to that.

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