Fuck It, I Will Kill Them Both

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Laras raucous laughter filled the tiny apartment as she and Taylor clinked coffee mugs at the memory of her father catching her with 'Mr.Sugar Daddys' dick just about to enter the promised land

"God his face Taylor, I need to see his face, do it for me, please!!"

"Well it was a bit like this" Taylor dropped her jaw and widened her eyes to the size of saucers "And his face was red and I think there might have been steam escaping from his ears" again both girls dissolved into fits of giggles

"Why couldn't you have done it when I was there to watch? you know how much I love to upset Daddy Swift"

"Well sorry Larz, I was planning on fucking his brains out I wasn't exactly inviting an audience"

"And Matty was just yards away? Taylor when are you going to put that douche out of his misery? Why are you keeping him hanging around when you can have big daddy?" she wiggled her eyebrows and Taylor giggled at her reference to the size of Travis' 'man bits'

"Lara I'm not an idiot, one night with Travis and that will be it, he isn't chasing me for a relationship, marriage, kids and a dog"

"Can you imagine anything worse?!" Lara scrumpled up her face in disgust at the thought of such an 'average' life

"He wants hot sex, with a hot girl that won't just lie there and let him have it all his own way and then once he has that he will be gone and looking for the next challenge but I kind of like him chasing, he chases hard so I'm gonna let him chase me for a little longer before I do him and lose him"

"And Matty?" Lara took a bite of her toast, her face already looking resigned to the fact that Matty wasn't going anywhere

"He stays" Taylor broke of a bit of banana and plopped it into her mouth "For now"

"But why Taylor?" Taylor dragged the OR out like a whining child "We could get dressed up and go out and get wasted and find you a new Matty to play with after 'big daddy' hits it and quits it"

Even though Taylor knew it was the way things were going to go down she still felt a sting in her chest at the thought of waking up in Travis' arms and then never seeing him again, it wasn't that she felt anything other than lust for him but he was hot, the kind of hot you might want in your bed or in your shower or up against the living room door more than just one time but he was a player and he for sure loved playing the game so she had to make sure when she finally gave in she had him for more than one round.

"Matty stays" she said resolutely, unsure herself as to the reason she refused to cut him free. All she knew was she wasn't ready to say goodbye to him or Travis right now.


I wake up in a tangle of limbs, hot breath on my face and for a split second I think all of my dreams have come true but then I spot the blond curls of my 'date' and release a sigh

Taylor and I... I had been so close but that amount of sexual tension and desire needs to be worked off so a hotel and 1 round of lousy sex later and here I am, naked with a familiar longing still in my stomach, still unsatisfied, still pissed off

I push myself out of the bed and reach for my pants just as a hand wraps around my forearm and my 'company' whines my name

"You had your fun, got you money now fuck off" she gasps in shock but I couldn't give a shit right now. I don't know where the fuck my heads at. Pulling up my pants I reach for my shirt and then my shoes, pick up my phone and my keys and then I walk out of the room leaving the girl and the memory in the dust.


Slamming my front door shut I yell out to make sure Carmen isn't here, ever since her meltdown the other week I have trying be nicer to her, to be a better 'boyfriend' but my mood is so toxic today that I don't think I could fake a smile let alone sexual enjoyment.

Pressing the button on my answer phone I have 1 new message from Dr. Scott Swift, thanking me for my generous donation and requesting I keep my hands off his 'troubled' daughter, for my own sake

Sorry old man but I don't think I will be doing that, in fact I think I will be putting my hands on and in to any part of your daughter she allows me access to

I run the shower as hot as I can stand and then attempt to burn my indiscretions from my skin. Not that I'm ashamed of my one night stand, God I have had enough of them but the fact I allowed her to taint the scent and feel of Taylor that had lingered on me long after we had gone out separate ways irks me

The thought of her tangled with her asshole boyfriend the way I had been with my bought and paid for date makes me want to throw up in my shower.

The way that girl smells and tastes and kisses... It all lingers on me and I want more, I need so much more of her.

Slamming off the shower and grabbing a towel, I quickly dry off then I get my phone and request her company for tonight knowing this is it, this is when I get her, this is when I get what my entire body is craving, after almost fucking me in a corridor last night why would she...

Invitation declined?! What the actually fuckin game is this girl playing??

I slam my phone down onto the vanity table and roar expletive after expletive into the steamy air of my bathroom

Running the cold water, I splash it over my face and then rest both hands on the sink and try to calm myself down but just as I do my phone beeps.

1 msg: Wentworth

W🤡 - Guess who I have a date with 2nite

Why does this dickhead think I have a second to give a shit about his lousy little love life unless... my blood runs like icewater in my veins


W🤡- Your little Sugar Baby that's who happy fuckin Birthday to me 💦

Fuckin piece of absolute shit!

I'm going to kill him!

No scrub that I'm going to kill her

Fuck it I will just kill them both and then fuck some hot girl on their ashes!!!

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