Bye Bye Daddy

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It's been four days since my 'date' with Tsylor, which means that it's also been four days of me being well and truly pissed off. I have been a nightmare, I know I have but to be honest I couldn't give a flying fuck, Carmen and my work colleagues will just have to suck it up.

Twice I have seen that girl and twice she has walked away having handed me my ass. I should wipe my hands of her once and for all but all I can think about is getting my hands back on her.

Make me cum, right here, right now, using only your mouth

Fuck! That should have been so hot, I should have had her panties off in a flash and got stuck in but I froze. I can't remember the last time I did that shit, maybe not since college, girls are always so eager to please me that I never really consider the option of pleasing them back... I sound like a dick but the truths the truth, even when it's not pretty.

"Travis! Carmen's voice scrapes across my brain like fingernails on a chalkboard. When is she going to learn that I want her here when I  want her and at all other times her presence is not required??

I'm scrolling through the Sugar Baby site looking for someone to accompany me to a business dinner tonight but there's really only one face I'm thinking of, one rough, sexy voice, one ass that has my name all over it.

Fuck it!

I go to Taylor's profile and invite her. I want what I want and what I want I always get.

Invitation declined, what the actual fuck???!!! 3k for one night and she says no?!

I slam my hand down on to my desk and growl in frustration, that girl is pushing me beyond the limits of my patience.

"Carmen!" I bark and within seconds she's standing before me like a little puppy dog eager to please. "Upstairs" Im about to fuck away any thoughts of a crystal clear, blued eyed pain in my ass and then find a date for tonight and move on like I never met her.


Giggling loudly, Lara and I sip on our mimosas as I decline Travis' request for my company that night.

"Hes going to be so pissed" Lara giggles through a mouthful of bubbles

"Let him be, he's an ass. A hot, sexy, extremely talented kisser type of ass but still an ass and I have a big enough of of those in my life"

"Matty, God I hate Matty Taylor, can you please just sack him... For me?" Lara puts on her best pleading face but she knows when I smile that Matty is staying around at least for a little while longer

Sitting on the edge of my family pool, sipping mimosas and nibbling tapas I couldn't feel more happy or at ease, my family are in Mexico for a week so there is no chance of my father stumbling across Lara on his property, meaning there is no chance of World War 3 breaking out.

We had enjoyed a swim earlier that morning and Lara had made sure to let me know she had peed in the pool, a present for 'Daddy Swift' on his return.

"So what are you going to spend your 'ill gotten gains' on?"

"I have started a savings fund so I can move to New York and attend a design school, I had to lend Matty some cash because his rent was due but I still made a hefty deposit" Raising my glass, Lara clinks it "Cheers to Sugar Daddy Trav"

We both giggle again as my phone buzzes

"Oh my God, it's Travis calling me"

"Calling or facetiming?"

"Facetiming, do people still call the other way these days?"

"Here" Lara pulls my bikini top lower and pushes up my boobs. "Might as well show him what he's not getting his hands on, maybe he will decide to pay you more"

"Speak" I command and Lara stifles a giggle

"Hey its Trav... Holy hell, are you topless?"

"You wish Sugar Daddy" again Lara struggles to contain her giggles and I slap her thigh in annoyance

"Well..." his voice lowers as his eyes darken "why don't you lower the camera a little just to prove there's some fabric there before I start taking care of my self in front of your friend" he winks and Lara begins fanning herself whilst mouthing 'he's hot'

"Why don't you get to the point before I call the cops and report a nuisance caller"


"Not happening"

"Oh its happening, name your price"

"You can't afford me tonight Trav, not after your fuck up last time"

"Look, Taylor, as tempting as your offer was, I was the one paying, if anyone was cumming, it was me"

"See Larz, complete and utter ass"

"Hang up on him" Lara instructs

"Bye bye Daddy" I pout before ending the call and dissolving into fits of giggles with my friend

"O-M-G Taylor he is H-O-T"

"Right???" put it this way when my fingers go walking at night, it's not Matty on my mind, but he's a self centered, self obsessed jerk, even if he pays well, I'm not going anywhere near him"


Ripping off my black t-shirt I throw it on to the ground and then wriggle out of my charcoal pinstriped work pants, this outfit cost a fortune and I'm throwing it around like it's trash but I don't give a shit. Grabbing for my Mala beads I head out to my sun house and drop down hard, cross my legs and attempt to focus my mind

She fuckin hung up on me!!!

I breath in and out, trying to find my rhythm, trying to find my peace but all I find are memories of my body up against hers, our breath intertwined. I shake my head to dislodge the images and again trying to focus my mind. I reach up to stroke the Mala beads that lie against my chest but all I can think about is the way my fingers had caressed her chest as we made out in the hotel room just before I ballsed everything up and my dick responds accordingly.

Carmen isn't here, for once she took the hint and went home but that leaves me alone with too much sexual energy and too much on my mind to make peace with.

Standing up I look down at the tent that's pitched in my boxers and growl in frustration. There's any number of girls I could call to help me out, I can't remember the last time I had to take care of it myself but for some reason I don't want to call anyone but Taylor and she already sent me packing. 

I want her though, more than I can remember wanting anyone before, the more she refuses me the more my want intensifies  so I do the one thing I always do, attempt to buy whatever I want.

TK- tonight, 5k and mystery gift

TS- No chance

TK- 6k and 2 mystery gifts

TS- 1 condition

Fuck yes!


TS- 6k, 2 mystery gifts and no physical           contact, deal or no deal?


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