I Thought You Didn't Get On Your Knees For Any Girl

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"So, Mr. Kelce. I'm sorry to see yourself and Miss. Luca are no longer together, she was a lovely young lady as I remember" Scott Swift wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin whilst trying to make polite conversation with his daughters uninvited guest who unfortunately was his business associate too.

Travis Kelce was a major donor to Memorial Hospital, the last thing he wanted to do was offend him but he was older than his daughter and in all honesty, far too good for her

"Oh we haven't" Laughed Travis "Carmen and I are still together"

"Oh. I'm sorry, I thought..."

"Travis is a friend dad"

"A friend with benefits actually" Travis smirked whilst placing a kiss on Taylorscheek which she quickly returned to his lips and then deepened as her father looked on, trying to swallow down his outrage whilst smiling an apology to his other guests

"So she knows..."

"She's a very understanding woman" Travis said whilst taking a carrot stick and placing it suggestively between Taylor's lips

"And business... It's good?" asked Scott, trying desperately to change the subject

"Very" replied Travis whilst he bit down on the carrot stick, taking half in to his own mouth whilst Taylor began to chew down on hers

"So you and Taylor are very different, how did you stumble across each other?"

"He thought I was hot" Taylor said bluntly whilst biting down on Travis' bottom lip and pulling it towards her with her teeth

"Taylor please!" exclaimed Scott and Travis just cocked an eyebrow

"Taylor ...may I speak to you in the study please" Scotts voice was cool but his face was not. His skin was red and clammy, the veins in his neck were protruding

"No you may not, Travis and I are hungry"

"For each other" he said lowly and took her lips once more, this time moving his hand to her thigh and squeezing

"Taylor! My office, now! Ladies and gentlemen I shall just be a moment or TWO, Mr. Kelce, please help yourself to wine"

"I would rather help myself to your daughter but wine is fine for now" he winked as Scott hooked an arm around his daughters shoulders and pulled her forcefully to the sanctity of his office and slammed the door shut looking down at his youngest child with nothing but disappointment in his eyes

"I have never been so humiliated by you in all my life!" he started, trying not to yell but so close to failing

"Well that's not true Daddy, remember when I was 7 and I sat on the floor instead of dancing during the ballet recital, you were pretty humiliated then and when I was 16 and got a B in my math exam you were humiliated by me then too and when I decided not to go to medical school... "

"Enough Taylor"

"And when I moved in with Lara..."

"I said ENOUGH!!"

"Seems I have a pretty long history of disappointing you, so why stop now, right?" She dropped into the chair beside her father's desk and began playing with the crystal paper weight he kept next to a photo of himself, his wife and his eldest child Austin all in their doctors coats

" I invited you to dinner to talk about your future not to watch you make out with one of the most inflencial young men in the city"

"I don't want to talk about that with you and what Travis and I do and where we do it is our business "

"My guests can open doors you seem determined to slam in my face"

"If those doors open into a hospital or a medical school then I'm not interested" she crossed her legs in her tiny silver dress and her father immediately clenched his teeth

"Why are you being so difficult?! Why come here dressed like a whore with a man that is respected in this city and drag him down to your level?! Why can't you just do as you are told for once in your goddamn life?!" his hands came down hard again the mahogany of his desk, his face red and covered in a layer of perspiration, damp patches beginning to show underneath his arms

" And what am I being told to do 'father'?"

" Get out there, talk, make connections, make appointments to speak to them on campus or in the hospitals they work. Get out there and stop destroying my reputation along with Mr. Kelce' and try to restore some of you own"

"Or else?"

"You don't want me to answer that question Taylor"

"Sure I do, what do you think you could do to me to punish me more than you already have?"

"Don't push me any further Taylor, you will regret it, I promise you of that"

"Promises, promises" just as Scott gulped in a breath preparing to let loose in a way he had promised himself he would not there was a knock on the office door and Travis opened it and gazed inside, his eyes moving from father to daughter and then back to Scott.

"Dr. Swift, your guests are asking for you" his words were innocent, the look on his face was not, he had obviously heard the commotion and Scott felt his face burn at putting on such a show in front of his guests, once again his youngest daughter had dragged him to her own level so taking some calming breaths he straightened his tie and then stormed out of the office as Travis slid in and shut the door begind him

"Well hello there" his voice was gentle and low as he slipped off his tie and clicked the lock on the door. Taylors eyebrows rising as she recognized the look on his face

"And what can I do for you Mr. Kelce?" she asked as he walked up behind her and took hold of one of her wrists and then the other and began binding them together with his tie

"On this occasion its what I can do for you Miss. Swift" he winked at her and then turned the chair around so she faced him and then slowly dropped down onto his knees "You promised me dinner before sex and I'm hungry now" he said whilst reaching up under the shiny fabric of her dress and hooking his fingers into her thong and then dragging it down her legs

"I thought the mighty Travis Kelce didnt get on his knees for any girl?"

"Well I've never been this starving before" he said as he got back to his feet and wondered around the office, obviously searching for something. Taylor lowered her brows as she watched a grin breakout over his face, his long fingers reached out and took her father's spare tie from his shelf and he licked his lips as he walked back towards her

"Ready to feed a starving man Miss. Swift?" he asked whilst using the gray and black accessory to cover her eyes and then tying it tightly at the back of her head.

"Anything I can do to help Mr. Kelce" she spoke as he returned to his knees and positioned himself between her thighs "I'm a regular humanitarian don't you know?" with that Travis pushed open her thighs and dipped his head, devouring her with the vigor of a starving man and she responded loudly, knowing her father and his guests would now be well aware that they weren't the only ones enjoying a delious feast

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