I. Am. Fuckin. Man!

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Okay, a vacation by the beach was a bad idea, a really, really bad idea, in fact it's possibly the worst idea I ever had in my life.

As Travis walks from the bar to our sun loungers I see at least 6 other women and possibly 2 men checking him out.

Do I blame them? No, not at all considering he's 6 foot 4 with not a single ounce of body fat, he's toned, muscular and those black swim shorts are doing nothing to hide the wonders he holds within them.

"We should have gone skiing" I grumble from behind my huge sunglasses and fashion magazine

"Cabo was a great idea Taylor" he says handing me some pretty orange drink with umberellas and a sparkler in it "A really, really great idea"

Yeah for you Mr. I-have-my-own-fan-club-and-we-have-only-been-here-one-day

" I think we will go skiing next time, I can't wait to see your entire body covered in layers and layers of warm clothing, ski suits too oh and something to hide that pretty face of yours, just in case the cold dries out your skin out" I smile bitterly as some over cooked blond tries and fails to wave at him without me seeing.

"It's great to know you care so much about my skin" he looks at me confused and I just take a long gulp of my drink and bury my face in my magazine. "What's up?" He trails a finger from my knee to my bikini line and cocks an eyebrow at me and I feel my bitterness beginning to melt.

So what if the entire city of Cabo wants him? he's here with me, he's touching me he's completely and utterly mine.


"That's a 'something' pout" he says squeezing my lips between his thumb and finger and I pull my face away and frown at him, pushing my sunglasses up on to my hair so he can see on my face just how serious I am but he just smiles and kisses my lips

"You're so hot what you're jealous" he teases and then reclines on his lounger with his hands behind his head, his entire body on show for every single member of his 'fanclub' and more.

"Stop that, you're making them drool" I huff, pulling my shades down so he can't see the jealousy burning in my eyes

"I know" he laughs and I realise he's doing it on purpose. Putting on a little show for all the desperate housewives. Okay, well two can play at that game Mr. Kelce.

Dropping my magazine to the floor, I loosen my sarong without him noticing and then stand up, as soon as I do my sarong drops to the ground revealing my best feature to everyone lounging around the pool and in the bar because the bikini I'm wearing has a thong bottom.

Bending over to pick up my magazine I make sure to give them the full show before raising my head and smiling up at Travis innocently. The look on his face causing me to giggle as woman all around us gasp in disgust and the men let out audible groans. Travis' head snaps from let to right and then back to me as he realises all eyes are on the part of my body he especially like left for his eyes and hands and mouth only.

Eyes, everywhere, and they are all zoned in on one thing and one thing only... my girlfriends ass.

Fuck! I knew we should have gone skiing.

Baring my teeth I almost growl at the men to keep their eyes off as I struggle to pull the fabric from her hands and wrap it around her waist before pulling her down onto my lap.

My heart's hammering in my chest and for once the blood is flowing away from my dick instead of into it as my face burns and I wrap a protective arm around Taylors waist.


"What the fuck are you doing?!" I growl against her neck

"I just dropped my magazine and needed to pick it up, I didn't realise my sarong was loose" I know she's lying, I know this is her way of getting back at me because she was jealous of the female attention I have been getting  but as she grinds her ass into my groin the blood once again begins flowing in the right direction

"Not here baby" I moan and she giggles, aware she has me completely and utterly at her mercy.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she whispers innocently over her shoulder before standing up and returning to her lounger, leaving me with a tent shaped problem in front of all of these people.

Taylor lays down on the lounger, stretching out her body and curling her toes, I notice they are painted that sparkly grey colour that i love so much and them I can't help but move my gaze up the smooth expanse of her legs, by the time I'm looking at her thighs I know there's only one way out of this situation but no matter how I try to get her attention she ignores me.

Reaching for sun lotion she begins rubbing it over her thighs, all the way up to where her skin meets her bikini and then she dips her fingers under the material. As she looks at me from the corner of her eye i just give in and let my dick take over.

I jump up, aware my friend is practically waving to everyone watching us but fuck it,  I grab Taylors hand and pull her from the lounger and then throw her over my shoulder.

I. Am. Fuckin. Man!

I just start to move towards our beach hut when I realise a very large, very beautiful part of her is once again visible to all male eyes so I grab her skirt and her magazine, cover her ass with both and then bolt for our hut and the privacy of our own bed.

*Only a couple of chapters left of this story so please vote and comment if you have enjoyed it. My favourite male lead I have ever created

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