No Nakedness No Point

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"Taaaaay" Travis' voice is laced in hidden meaning and to be honest with you, I'm not in the mood for it right now

"Travis" I say abruptly but in true Travis style he continues, caught up in his own little world, oblivious to anyone else's needs but his own

"Do you have time for some naked dancing later?" he asks and I'm pretty sure he must be able to hear my eyes roll in their sockets

"Time? Yes, sure, desire? Na, no thanks" the line goes silent and finally he's aware I'm feeling something other than turned on

"OK, what's got your granny knickers in such a twist?"

"Well actually, I'm not wearing any underwear today but apart from that I'm just in a fuckin bad mood, it's allowed, deal with it."

"Taylor, I have a girlfriend with mood swings to deal with I don't have time to deal for yours too"

This absolute bastard! Did I mention I hate him more than I hate Lara  right now???

"No nakedness, no point" he continues and I'm just about to hang up when an idea pops into my head

"Oh I didn't say no nakedness Travis, I just said no to nakedness with you. Actually I have a date" his breath hitches and I smile, that will teach him to try and play games with me, I'm the queen of game playing, and as with most things female related, this guy is an amateur

"No you don't" the uncertainty in his voice almost makes me feel sorry for him... Almost, until I remember the mood swing comment

"Actually I do, with the cute guy you tried to scare off at dinner that night, I'm surprised Joe didn't mention it, we are going on a double date with him and Lara" I lie so convincingly that I begin to question my morals but then stop when I hear Travis mumble 'treacherous bastard' under his breath. "Whats wrong Kelce? I thought 'no nakedness, no point"

"Yeah, yeah, go to dinner with whatever clown you want, we both know it's me you will come looking for when you're really hungry"

"Yeah, yeah" I mimic his response and then hang up and wish I did actually have a date, anything to take my mind off of this 'girl drama' with Lara, she's my best friend, my confidante, my drinking buddy, my pulling pal and she just threw me away like I was nothing but rubbish. I'm pouting, I know I am, I don't like feeling bad and not having my best friend to bitch about it with.


I stalk across the floor to my office with strides big enough to clear the Atlantic, I only have one fucker on my mind and I spot him immediately, grinning and joking with Jared, well I'm about to wipe that smile right off of his pasty English face

"Alwyn!" I bark and he spins around to face me immediately

That's right English boy, I'm the boss and you are at the mercy of my mood.

"My office. Now!" I notice everyone else shrink back into their seats and for a moment or two I enjoy the power I weild in here and then remember how powerless a certain female makes me and my temper wares thin once more.

As we enter my office I kick shut the door and slam the files I'm carrying down onto my desk

"A double fuckin date?!" I'm in no mood to mess around but apparently he is because he pulls the most unconvincing 'what are you talking about' face and then takes a seat without my permission

Stand the fuck up until I tell you to sit son!

"May I?" he asks reaching for a gum ball from the bowl on my desk and I slap his hand away

"No you may fuckin not" I snap and sit down, in my, bigger, shinier, more expensive chair

"What's up with you?"

"You are going out with Taylor and some dipshit, that's what's wrong with me. I thought we were friends"

"I thought you had a girlfriend"

This cheeky Mother Fucker!

"So you are double dating behind my back"

"Oh I'm sorry Travis, I didn't realise we were exclusive"

I'm about to cut off his balls and use them to play beer pong

"Joe, before I fire you and then murder you I want to know what the fuck you are doing going on a double date with Taylor and some asshole boy"

"Well, not that it's any of your business since you have a girlfriend and have assured me on multiple occasions that you and Taylor is a sex only agreement but as far as I know we aren't going anywhere tonight"

"Well that's not what Taylor just said"

"Maybe she's trying to wind you up. The last I heard she and Lara had fallen out"

"Why? What the fuck did Lara do to her?!"

"Why is it automatically Lara in the wrong? Taylor is your girl and even you say what a pain in the ass she is"

"I have never said that!"

I recognise my mistake immediately, I didn't disagree when he called her my girl.


"Whats going on Trav?"


"Well you're sounding very 'jealous boyfriend' right now"

"Fuck you!"

"She's getting under your skin"

Under my skin??? That girl's seeping into my fuckin bones not that I will ever admit it

"You're wrong" it was a weak argument but at this point it was all I had

"So, say she's me and Lara have arranged a double date, you're going to be OK with that?"

"Do I look okay?"

His silence answered my question


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