Apparently I'm Not Worth The Deception

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"Fuck Taylor..."

I pull my ankle length ball gown back up to cover my exposed breasts and grin up at my very satisfied boyfriend. We have been in attendance of 'Dr.Swifts  Memorial Hospital Annual Fundraiser' for less than 30 minutes and already I have found a way to pull him aside and go down on him. As I wipe my lips I imagine my father's face If he ever found out and can't help but laugh out loud

"Why are you laughing?" Asks Matty, his charcoal ripped jeans teamed with a vintage 'Slipknot' tee and leather jacket causing him to stand out like a sore thumb

"I'm just thinking of my dad finding out I went down on you on the very spot he will stand on to make his speech later

"You are a very bad girl" says Matty whilst pulling me in to a kiss that almost causes me to suffocate. "You are going to pay for the fuel for tonight aren't you babe?"

I roll my eyes and remove his hand from my ass before informing him that 'Travis' will be paying for the fuel for tonight.

Talking about 'Mr. Sugar Daddy' it's been 2 weeks since I last saw him and although it doesn't surprise me after he got hot and heavy with me and then ditched me by the side of the road I have to admit to feeling a bit hurt by it. I had only seen him 3 times in my life and yet living without him now felt like something was lacking, I dunno, maybe I was more of a money grabbing whore than I gave myself credit for.

"Want a beer?" Matty asks it whilst wiggling his eyebrows, knowing how frowned upon it would be to ask for beer here and I can't help but nod in agreement. I know Lara hates my boyfriend but these are the moments she doesn't see, the moments when I'm anxious and insecure and he fixes it by ordering beer at a black tie event, by letting me go down on him whilst hundreds of guests mingle and sip champagne just yards away from us.

My dad wants 'Dr. Taylor' he can show off to all his friends but with Matty I'm the exact opposite, I'm just Taylor, the horny fashion student wannabe that doesn't live up to anyone's expectations, especially her own.

Chocolate coloured hair snaps me from my thoughts and then the emerald coloured eyes and plump, pink lips


He's dressed to kill in a black tux, white shirt and black bow tie and his 'date' doesn't look too bad either in her floor length navy blue gown. I screw my eyes shut and count to 10 before reopening them, hoping the overreaction burning in my chest would have died down but instead I open my eyes to find his green orbs burning into mine. His lips parted and eyebrows lowered in a question

Fuck his mind games, I grab Matty  and pull him to me, our lips colliding as a profanity crosses his lips, I kiss him hard and for longer than my body desires but I need Travis to take a hint. When we finally pull apart, Matty is breathing like a marathon runner and Travis is still eyeing us with quite obsevation.

Our eyes meet once more and the look on his face can't be confused with anything happy. His cheeks are pink, his lips are pursed and If I didn't know better I would say he was about ready to blow

"Get us that drink?" I ask my boyfriend and no sooner has he headed to the bar than a large hand has encircled my bicep and begins pulling me towards the quietness of the corridor


Fuck this bullshit

As the dick in the leather walks away from her I can't control myself any longer, 2 strides is all It takes for me to be by her side, my hand wraps around her bicep and pulls her to the corridor I know will lie undisturbed

"Who the fuck is that?" I seethe into her ear

"My boyfriend" her tone is rough and resolute. She isn't hiding anything from me, apparently I'm not worth the deception

"Well for your information he's a fuckin loser"

"Well for your information not only does he give the most amazing head but he also doesn't ditch me in the middle of nowhere so guess who gets to take me home tonight" I clench my jaw in annoyance at the memory "Go back to your girl Travis because she looks way more interested in you than I am"

Fury burns it's way from my belly button up into my chest how can this girl have such an effect on me and not want me?

I'm not used to girls refusing me so maybe that's it, maybe one night with her would be all it took to get her out of my system. My eyes return to her and she's actually yawning at my company

"Sorry" She's anything but " Matty  kept me up all night"

Son if a bitch!

"Are we done here?"

"Well I don't know Taylor, are we?" I take a step closer, making sure to invade her personal space and watch for a reaction, sure enough her cheeks pinken and in my mind I'm already fuckin her whilst her dick of a boyfriend watches on

"What would your little boyfriend say if he found out what happened in that hotel room?" I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her in to me and she doesnt fight me, she just lifts her lips to my ears and I close my eyes in anticipation of her voice, hot against my skin.

Her fingers press in between the buttons of my shirt, finding flesh and causing me harden on impact

"He would probably say... Travis, you pussy, you couldn't even go down on a girl when she was begging you for it"

This fuckin bitch!

She presses a kiss to my ear lobe and before I can regain my composure she's gone and I'm stood in an abandoned corridor with a fuckin hard on whilst my head spins

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