Goodbye My Fuckboy, You Really Got Me Good

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I don't even have time to grab hold of him before he's off his seat and headed across the room completely unaware that he's been caught out, but his 'date' is obviously aware that I'm looking at her as she attempts to frown but the botox prevents her from acheiving her desired look.

"Hi" she says uncomfortably and I'm aware I may have been baring my teeth at her like a dog ready to pounce

"Hi" I force a smile "I saw you from across the bar and thought I recognised you"

Yeah as a homewrecking whore!

"Oh really? Yeah I get that all the time. It's because I'm a journalist, I'm on T.V quite a lot"

She flicks her hair and looks so smug that I want to smack the colour off her lips but I just smile again and slip onto the seat Travis' just vacated, it's still warm with the heat of his ass and I feel myself wanting to cry and scream and hit something but instead I carry on smiling.

"Frankie right?"

She nods proudly

"Frankie Bonner" she holds out her long thin hand with the most spectacular manicure I have ever seen and in my head I imagine her running her nails down Travis' chest the way he liked me to and I feel the burn of tears once more

So was that your boyfriend you were with? He's hot"

"Travis?!" She breaks out into raucous laughter and I'm aware of everyone looking in our direction "No, that guy ain't nobodies boyfriend honey, but he's the best fuck you will ever get so you take it when you can if you know what I mean?" She laughs loudly again and digs her elbow into my side and I want to tear her tongue out for speaking about my boyfriend that way but unfortunately I know it's the truth, every single word of it.

"So is that what's happening tonight? You're 'taking it when you can'?"

"I sure hope so. Here, grab your phone, we can take a selfie that way when you tells your friends you met me they will believe you" I don't know why but I take out my phone, trace my finger over the pattern that opens it and watch as the photo of Travis and I that is my lock screen disappears then I click onto my camera, I hand it to her and after taking a while to find her best angle I smile and she clicks and that's it. Done. Everything is done. Yeah


"Taylor!" Mikis eyes move up and down my body in the kind of awe I had hoped to see in Travis and I swallow down the fact that Travis is the only one I want to look at me that way and get straight to the point "You look amazing, what are you doing her when you are obviously dressed as the princess ready to go to the ball"

"My boyfriend is cheating on me tonight" his mouth drops open before he pulls me into an embrace, his cologne is stronger and more floral than Travis' but it's still nice and the warmth his body radiates against me is comforting

"Come in, come in" he pulls me gently through his front door and through into his living area. The walls are white and clean and he has dozens of 'modern art' paintings hanging from them. The colours bright, the designs...unusual " Sit down, let me get you a drink"

"As hard as you have please" I instruct and he nods before exiting into the kitchen and I drop down onto his black leather couch and rest my head in my hands, thoughts of Travis and Frankie pummeling my brain.

"Take this" Miki hands me a glass with ice and a golden liquid "whiskey" he says, answering my question before I even asked it.

I down It, using my tongue to stop me swallowing the ice and then I put the glass on the coffee table and return my head to my hands

"For what it's worth Taylor the guys a fuckin idiot" the sound of his strong Italian accent twisted around an English curse word makes it sound so beautiful that I acrually smile.

"He's a fuckboy, I knew that when i started dating him, I don't know why I thought he would change"

" Because you have a beautiful soul, you see the best in people, even people who don't deserve it" he drinks his own drink and then returns to the kitchen and when he comes back he has our filled glasses in one hand and the whiskey bottle in the other. Setting them down he takes his seat again and places his hand on my knee. "Whatever I can do to help Taylor just let me know. I'm here for you"

"Then fuck me" I blurt out and then down my drink once more" I see his jaw loosen before he quickly recovers and downs his drink too

"Is that what you came for?" His dark Italian eyes, framed with beautiful long black eyelashes and thick black brows look into mine as though he's trying to read my soul"

" I want you to make me feel good" I confirm "Make me forget about Travis" he nods "But this is a one time thing, tomorrow you are the employer I am the employee. Okay?"

"Okay" he reaches for my hand and I let him pull me to him, I sit on his knee and he strokes my hair and my face looking for permission and I nod slightly before moving my mouth to his. His lips are fuller than Travis' and the kiss is wetter as though he's immediately desperate for more whereas Trabis likes to take his time. The kiss is part of the dance for him.

As Mikis tongue moves into my mouth and darts back and forth I feel a sickness rising in my stomach.

His hand moves from my knee and I'm aware of him searching for the bottom of my dress, looking for an opening.

I close my eyes and kiss him harder, reaching for his hair but it's thick with product and not fun to finger like Travis's is.

I feel his hand on the skin of my knee and slowly moving higher as his other hand drops to my ass and begins kneading and I feel the sickness in my stomach turn to panic.

I can't do this.

Breaking the kiss I look at Miki whose eyes are just black holes in his face. His cheeks are red, his lips wet and I'm aware I'm sitting on an uncomfortable bulge


"You changed your mind"

"I have to. I know it doesn't make sense but this isn't fair I'm kissing you but I want..."

"The guy that's busy fuckin some other girl?"

"Like I said, it doesn't make sense I just know I can't do this" he nods and then moves me from him and silently picks up our glasses and the bottle and returns them to the kitchen. 5 minutes later he returns with two cups of coffee and some delicious looking Italian biscuits

"Stay. Don't go home alone to lie and think what that bastard is doing. Stay. Let me introduce you to the wonders of Italian cinema and then in the morning I will drive you home and you can face, whatever it is you face"

"Thankyou" I whisper as a tear drips down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away, not wanting to be sad over Travis , not wanting anyone else to see that I'm sad over someone that can treat me so badly

Goodbye my fuckboy you really got me good

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