She Can't Find Out

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"I'm looking for Taylor" My face must betray me because Lara immediately sticks out her hip and twists her face in my direction

"What did you do this time?!" She accuses

"Me?! You have a nerve, whatever's going on between you two has her in a fuckin miserable mood" I move inside the apartment and find Joe sprawled out on the floor, shirtless and surrounded by Chinese food he looks so at home, almost like a pet of some kind and my stomach tenses knowing this is the sort of scene Taylor and I haven't shared and because of me, we are unlikely to share and I feel something at that thought, something that's not good

"Want some?" Joe offers and pushes a box towards me

"Not if your naked body's been anywhere near it" I drop down into a chair and loosen my shirt button.

This apartment is tiny and crammed to bursting point. Theres not one empty surface be it horizontal or vertical and the entire place is like a rainbow puked all over it.

Normally this kind of space would give me a panic attack but I like it here. It's comfortable and cosy and for a split second I wonder what it would feel like if I was lying on the floor like some over indulgent cat whilst Taylor sat next to me and stroked my hair.

I must purr out loud at the thought because Lara and Joe both turn to me at the same time and I try to dusguise my mistake with a cough

"So what did you do?" Lara asks and I lounge back in my seat, resting my hands behind my head like I own the place

"I left her at lunch"

"You took her to lunch?!" Joe's voice is an octave too high with shock "Like on a date?"

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, but actually, if you're being completely accurate it was our second date" it surprises me how easily I admit to that and don't feel the familiar rush of bile.

"You're dating?!"

Fuck no! Don't do this to me Joe, don't make me admit to this shit, not here, not now

"We aren't dating, we just went on 2 dates" It makes no sense to me either but it's all I'm willing to admit to right now "Anyways, Is she here or am I sitting talking to you losers for nothing!" I tilt my chin into the air and run my fingers over my hair, making sure they know who's in charge here

"She's actually not"

I shoot forward in my chair and notice the two of them sharing a look and I fuckin hate that look. I snatch up my phone and check the time

10.30pm who the fuck is out at 10.30pm with an Innocent explaination?!

I don't want to ask where she is, I don't want them to think I give a fuck but God damnit I do give a fuck

"Where the fuck is she then?!" oops, that was so much more than the casual question I had intended it as and Lara smirks at me and then shrugs

"A date perhaps, seeing as she isn't dating anyone in particular she could do that If she wanted to couldn't she?" her face is so innocent as she asks it I want to throw myself at her and shake her with everything I have


Fuckin, stupid, shakey voice!

"Because you don't sound too sure"

Stop pushing Lara, stop fuckin pushing

"She looked hot when she left though didn't she Joe?, she had on this cute little black dress"

I love her in a little black dress

"With her black Louboutin heels"

God I love the sound those heels make when I have her wrapped around my waist and the heels hit the wall behind us as I pound In to her

"I loved the way she had put on that shiny red lipstick personally"

You will die for that comment Joe, you are a dead man walking

"And her hair was in those lovely loose waves that tumble over her breasts" Lara giggles as she says it and I know in the back of my mind she's working me but it worked.


I grab my phone and FaceTime her. FaceTime unavailable


I dial her number and it goes to voicemail and I swear my heart is about to end up lodged in my throat and choking me to death and then a message comes through

Taylor 😈
Hey dick head I can't speak, I'm with my dad

And I laugh out loud as I drop back into my seat and undo another button on my shirt

"She's with her dad" I laugh again "A date... Yeah right you losers!" I look smugly at Lara but she looks like she either about to puke or cry

"Larz?" Joe's hand rests on her shoulder as she covers her mouth "Lara are you OK?"

"She can't speak to her dad" the emotion in her voice causes Joe and I to lock gazes, completely shocked by her change of demeanour

"Why not?" Joe asks the question I can't

"Please, if she speaks to him and he tells her... God Joe she can't speak to him!!!" in a flash she's on her feet grabbing for her car keys and without ever questioning it Joe and I are running behind her into the night and into an unknown situation

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