Mother Fucker She Wore The Dress

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Mother fucker! she actually wore the dress!

My eyes roam the taut thighs and bare valley of her chest the dress exposes and I thank God for my assistant Robin. They might dress as though they shop at the thrift store but when it came to shopping for Taylor they got all my favourite things in one tiny piece of fabric.

"Nice dress" I keep my voice low and smooth and when she does a spin I get a good eyeful of how tightly the fabric is pulled trying to contain that ass and I'm actually thankful for the head I got from Carmen earlier on, if not for that I think I might have just cum in my very expensive pants.

"Thank you for flaunting your wealth on me" her voice is as smooth as honey and I want that honey smothered all over my naked body now.

"So we have this entire floor to ourselves" I hope she will be pleased that I have put in so much effort to keep her all for myself but instead she rolls her eyes... why am I not surprised?

"Grand gestures don't guarantee that you will see me naked you know Travis"

"Yeah, yeah, we will see about that won't we?" I wink knowing I will have this girl naked by the end of the night, no doubt about it.

Dinner goes well, she eats and drinks and mostly keeps her attitude in check until I do the one thing I should have known not to do and all hell breaks loose.

I mentioned her father... I shouldn't have done that

"You bastard!"

Yup, here we go...

The 'Daddys money' comment was meant as a joke but the look on her face as she spews curse word after insult after curse word at me let's me know she and I don't exactly share the same sense of humor.

"Taylor... Baby..."

"Don't you dare fuckin baby me you asshole. I knew my first impression of you was right"

"If my memory serves me right you thought I was hot, smelt like heaven but was completely crazy... So yes, your first impression was pretty accurate

" I hate you, you ego maniac and I hate this fuckin dress too" quick as a whip she's on her feet and grabbing my suit jacket and I can't do anything but watch on in amusement, this girl is going to keep me on my toes that's for sure "If you'll excuse me I'm going to change out of this filth"

She stomps across the empty restaurant with her chin in the air and I have to admit this is the most unusual foreplay I have ever taken part in but God damn if it's not making me more desperate to have her.

The sound of Beyonce's Single Ladies blasts out of her purse and even in a restaurant that's playing its own 'ambient' music it has heads turning due to its insane volume

I chuckle knowing she must have changed it after finally ending things with that dipshit boyfriend of hers and without giving it a second thought I reach in to her purse and slip her phone out, apparently 'Cute Guy' is calling and I'm about to send this fucker swiftly on his way.

"What do you want?" I answer keeping my voice as low and as cold as possible and hear him stutter at the sound of a male answering his call instead of the flirty little female he expected. My flirty little female.

"I'm um... I'm looking for Taylor??" he asks the last part as a question and I know I have him off balance


"I um... Who is this?"

"I'm your worst fuckin nightmare my friend, now hang up the phone, delete her number and forget you ever laid eyes on her cute blond ass, that is what you noticed first isn't it?"

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