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Trigger Happy
season 12 ep 20

🎵Evermore- Taylor Swift (ft Bon Iver)🎵

"'this pain wouldn't be for evermore"


Madelyn slowly walks over to April at the nurses station "Hey, you still have that, uh, prenatal appointment tomorrow?" she asks

"Yeah, uh, at 9:00" the redhead replies

"Will you, um..." Madelyn scratches the back of her neck awkwardly "Just, uh, let me know how it goes"

"Absolutely. Uh, right after" April replies

"All right. Appreciate it" Madelyn says

"Of course"


"Karev, let's move. We have an incoming GSW. Victim's 8 years old" Madelyn yells

"Guys, I appreciate that you want to help, but all I need right now are Shepherd, Wilson, and maybe cardio and neuro. So, the rest of you can go" Alex says to the group of surgeons waiting to help

"8-year-old male, GSW to the abdomen. Stable after 500 cc bolus NS" the paramedic says

"Who is it? I can't see him" the boys moms says

"We're... We're gonna take care of him. It's all right. We're gonna take care of him, okay?" Alex reassures

"No! No, it's Brandon! It's Brandon!" one mom cries

"Oh, thank God" the other mom sighs as she sees her son step out of a police car "Peter! Peter, there you are"


"Brandon, Mommy's here! I love you!"

"Ma'am, we've got him. We've got him" Madelyn says as a nurse leads the woman away

"E.T. tube in good position" Jo says "Breath sounds clear and equal bilaterally"

"Well, does anyone know what happened? Was it a drive-by?" Madelyn asks

"Where the hell was the babysitter?" Amelia asks

"Hey, everybody, shush!" Alex yells

"A GSW to the right upper quadrant. Belly is soft. Okay. I'm gonna need a... An ultrasound" Madelyn says


"You know... you know, let me get in there. I'll... I'll... I'll do it" Richard says

"He's a little tachycardic, but his pulse is strong. Shepherd, any reflexes?" Alex asks Amelia

"Spinal shock. The bullet must have penetrated the spinal cord"

"All right, let's get him to CT" Madelyn orders

"Everyone clear the room. Ready and... On my count...1, 2, 3. Go" Alex says


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