Pomni Gets Horny... (Not THAT Way, You Pervs!!!)

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When Pomni wakes up that morning, she feels only one thing: relief. For the past week, Pomni has been grappling with what may be the most horrifically painful headache known to man... along with a weird sort of sinus infection, but that's nothing compared to the agony she's been in lately. Having started from her temples, then to her entire head, the day before was by far the worst, the pain so severe that she could not leave her bed without feeling like she was going to throw up and then die. Since that day, Pombi had made good on the agreement she and Caine had and sat out on the adventure, spending the whole time curled up in her blankets, shaking.

That said, when she woke up to feel that her migraine has mostly faded, she almost sobbed in pure relief. The pain isn't fully gone, but it's greatly diminished. No longer is a sledgehammer pounding away at her skull, but instead was replaced by the tapping of a regular-sized hammer, which... was still noticeably uncomfortable, but she much prefers this over yesterday.

Pomni sat up slowly, carefully, expecting the room to spin around her in a dizzying flurry like it had done every day before that, but it didn't. Another dose of relief flows through her, and she lets out an eased sigh at that solace. She turns her head to face the other side of the bed, where she finds Gangle sleeping away. The jester smiles softly at the sight of her sleeping girlfriend as she turns to get off the bed, one of her hands going up to brush her hair out from her eyes.... but that's when she feels it.

There's... something sticking out of her head. Pomni jolts and drops out of bed, not even bothering to change into her standard outfit or put on her hat as she heavily falls to the floor, due to her legs get snagged in her blankets. She's quick to recover and scrambles up, skittering over to her mirror. In the reflection in the glass, she stares at the offending protuberance.

It's... a horn. A long protruding horn sticking RIGHT OUT of her damn forehead! Seeing the aforementioned keratin structure and being the calm, collected woman she is, Pomni does the only sensible thing to do in a situation like this.

Scream.... She screams. But, I mean, can you blame her?! She's got a goddamn horn sticking out of her head! At least, she thinks it's a horn. She doesn't know for sure. She's not an expert in this shit! Her hands shake as she reaches up to feel the horn. She can't tell what kind of texture it has, but it's rough beneath her fingertips, with little jagged bits sticking out from it like crystals. It's as black as coal and not very big, but it still makes her heart race because it shouldn't be there. She wraps her fingers around it and pulls, but it's fully attached to her, fused deep within her skin.

Pomni: 'What the hell is happening? Why is this thing here? Am I turning into a cow or something?!'

Oh, she really hopes she isn't becoming a cow. Jax will never stop making fun of her if she turns into one. Just then, Gangle's voice is heard from the bed.

Gangle: Pomni?! Are you okay?!

Right. She had screamed and probably attracted the attention of not just Gangle, but everyone in the Circus. She was about to answer Gangle and tel her not to worry, but then a knock comes from the door as Ragatha speaks up.

Ragatha: Pomni?! Are you okay in there?

Perfect, that's just what she wanted! People around to gawk at her while she has a horn growing out of her freaking head! Pomni stammers her words to find an excuse as she looks around frantically for her jester hat.

Gummigoo: Why did you scream?

Pomni: Uhh, I.... I saw a spider!

Kinger: But...there are no spiders here.

Ares: Unless Jax released some...

Jax: Nope, not this time.... Ey, move it, Doll Face. Let me just...

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