Chp 2- Aqua

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"Giyuu, have you seen ducks mating?" The peach haired alpha questioned.

"My god Sabito! Could you just shut it already?" The Raven haired alpha sighed.

Giyuu was setting up a snare to trap wild turkeys. He knew that many of his tribespeople were fond of the bird's meat. Plus they were celebrating the birth of Kie Kamado's sixth child, the food had to be tasty. Giyuu finished setting up his fifteenth snare and smirked at his handiwork.

"You still haven't answered my question Yuu." Sabito pointed out.

Giyuu huffed and turned around. His best friend was standing there with the most shit eating grin he ever saw. Giyuu couldn't help but give a small smile in return.

"No you doofus, I haven't. Why are you asking?"

"Because you chicken out whenever I mention you mating with someone!" Sabito exclaimed. The comment earned him a firm smack on the head.

"I have no interest in mating whatsoever." Giyuu deadpanned.

Sabito gave him a look that read sure.

"I never felt attracted to anyone, especially not the omegas in our tribe." Giyuu defended.

"Well, then look for someone outside our tribe. You need to get some bitches to calm your alpha down."

Giyuu knew Sabito was right. His ruts were becoming more and more unstable by the month. As much as he liked Sabito looking out for him, he didn't want to discuss mating in the open jungle. Giyuu found a way to get out of the awkward conversation when three of the snares simultaneously snapped. He ran towards the sound and discovered that his snares had caught three magnificently fat turkeys. He internally praised himself and got to work. One by one he opened the snares and put the turkeys in jute bags.

"See, you chickened out again." Sabito countered, stepping out of the thicket.

Giyuu blushed in embarrassment and tossed one of the bags to Sabito, which hit the Prime Alpha in the gut.

"Ow! Get your sorry Prime Alpha ass back here Gayuu!" Sabito chuckled, using the nickname he had given the leader of his tribe.

"No, you get your ass here. Are we going to have a celebration or not?" Giyuu countered.

Sabito chuckled and followed his best friend.


"Onee-chan, where are you?" The younger Giyuu called out.

His sister had gone into her bedroom and had not come out since. It was a day before her mating was supposed to take place and Giyuu had to get her to the preparations. The young prime alpha waddled towards his sister's bedroom and knocked on the door. He couldn't stop the uneasy feeling that pooled in his gut. His sister was a Prime Alpha like him, she could handle herself, couldn't she? Tentatively the child opened the door, and a horrific sight welcomed him.

On his sister's bed was a corpse, bleeding through the abdomen, the person none other than his sister. His eyes travelled upwards towards the omega who she was betrothed to. The male had a dagger in his hand and a crazed look in his eyes.

"Tsutsako, my love. You made my body feel like I was in heaven, and the money you gave me could keep me going for years. Well, I want more. And you're not going to be able to provide it. So, I'll be on my merry way." The omega spoke.

Giyuu didn't know what hit him. He pulled out his blade and stabbed the omega square in the chest.


That was five years ago, when Giyuu was just 16. He had grown to hate omegas, he thought that they were sluts and just wanted money. But a burgundy haired omega changed his viewpoint. It was a fine winter day on the eve of Giyuu's 18th birthday when he heard a cry from the woods. As tribe leader, he prioritised the pack before himself. As he ran to the sound he caught a whiff of an omega's distress scent. He was about to tell the tail and go in the opposite direction when he saw the boy.

A scar on his forehead and beautiful scarlet eyes. Something clicked in Giyuu and he helped the boy onto his feet. He identified the boy as Kamado Tanjiro. Tanjiro lived in a mountain that was characterised as a 'No man's land' thus he didn't have a tribe that he belonged to. His family was killed by a rogue gang of alphas. Giyuu had taken his troops up that mountain, he arrived just on time to save the Kamado family. Tanjiro showed Giyuu that not all omegas were needy sluts. He showed Giyuu that there was more to being an alpha than just ordering people about with his alpha command.




Now back to the present. Giyuu's cave is lavishly decorated with different coloured streamers and in the centre of the party there is a table that is adorned with different delicacies. Duck, turkey, and different soups. Giyuu raises his glass for a toast.

"To Rokuta Kamado, our newest member." Everyone cheered.

It was in the middle of the party that Shinobu rushed through the door, carrying what looked like a month's load of wine bottles. The entirety of the tribe cheered. Whe Giyuu was going to refill his glass, he was dragged aside by a flustered Shinobu.

"Okay, we have a problem that will hurt our tribe in the long run." She declared.

"Are we seriously going to discuss this at a welcoming party?" Sabito spawned out of the back window.

"Yes, yes we are." Shinobu countered.

"So, you remember that plague that hit our tribe's omegas ten years ago?" She asked, the boys nodded their heads in return.

"Good. Well that plague has left over half of our current omegas infertile. We need to get more members into our tribe."

"We can't just kidnap people and force them to be in our tribe." Sabito exclaimed.

Giyuu's eyes widened at the understanding of what Shinobu was suggesting.

"No you doofus, I'm suggesting that we merge tribes through an alliance." Shinobu corrected.

"Great, so who are we going to sacrifice?" Sabito asked.

"We are not going to sacrifice anyone." Shinobu clarified. "We are going to enter a mating alliance."

Sabito's head snapped towards Giyuu, a mischievous grin splat on his face.

"I've found a very strong tribe, though they are in dire conditions." Shinobu spoke.

Sabito and Giyuu looked at her quizzically. The female alpha just sighed.

"The Ventus tribe has been dealing with famine and drought for over a decade, the constant invasions from the forest dwellers have urged even their omegas how to wield a sword. I think that if we mate with them our offspring would be healthy." Shinobu said.

"So we're going to use them as breeding material?" Giyuu seethed.

Shinobu paled at the thought.

"No, we will enter a formal alliance." She corrected.

"Fine. I will mate with this tribe's omega. On one condition." Giyuu spoke.

Shinobu raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"I will court the omega respectfully, and if they are a slut I, will kick them out of this tribe."

"Sure." Shinobe replied, delighted that she convinced her tribe leader.

"When are we meeting them?" Giyuu enquired.

"I will send the proposal today, we would most likely be able to meet them the day after tomorrow." Shinobu informed.

After the female alpha left, Sabito threw an arm over his best friend.

"Sooo, Omega huh?" He teased.

Giyuu whacked Sabito in the head and stormed away with a blush of embarrassment.

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