Chp 9- The Attack

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Thank you for 1K reads! Omega Sanemi needs more popularity. Well here's the next chapter. I might not update for a while, just so you know.

TW: Mild gore (not that descriptive)


"What! How? Giyuu just left this morning, there couldn't have been an attack today!" Sabito told himself.

A soldier with armour barely hanging on his shoulders ran up to Sabito.

"We're unable to figure out if they're from a tribe or not. They're probably a pack of rouges." He informed. Sabito's eyes darkened.

"Thankyou Murata, status on how is the tribe holding up? Where is the attack? What weapons do they have? Their numbers? How many are wounded?" Sabito asked, he needed information to figure out how many soldiers to send. Murata seemed to turn rigid.

"The attack is on the northern border, the troops there have evacuated those who live there, including Tanjiro's house. They fight with weapons made of bone and we estimate that they're a group of fifty. These attackers are ruthless, they even use scent submission. There are a few wounded soldiers being taken care of as we speak." Murata informed.

Sanemi's mind immediately started doing calculations. Wounded soldiers would need a tent for healing, there must be guards that help to get the wounded there, there must also be guards to protect the wounded. Sanemi knew one thing, he knew he wanted to help.

"Sabito, I don't mean to bother you, but I would like to help." Sanemi said, he watched as Sabito looked at him from top to bottom, judging of how much use he could be.

"You're friends with Kanae right? You'll be able to help her with the injured and you'll be able to defend the healing tent. I'm not letting you do more than that." Sabito informed, Sanemi gave a curt nod.

"Do I have permission to engage in combat if the time comes?" Sanemi asked. Sabito was the commander of the tribe's forces when Giyuu was absent, any violence should be approved by him.

Sabito nodded, "Yes, I give you the permission, you may also join us if we need extra arms. Now we must depart, the attackers have no mercy."




The tent was bloody, all the wounded soldiers had been stuffed in there. The stench of blood and puss was overwhelming for Sanemi, but he pushed through. He went around, guiding the injured to the sick beds, cutting bandages, applying ointments, anything that he could do to help. Kanae looked tired, she was taking care of three patients at the speed that Sanemi took care of two. Sanemi was efficient in his work, speeding yes, but he made sure that the wounds were cleaned and stitched. Kanae waved him over and Sanemi pliantly walked towards the other omega.

"The guards said Sabito has called you into the main combat. The message says We need another commander. Go now!" Kanae informed. Sanemi nodded, he pulled out his Katana and stepped out into the sunlight.

The sunrays gleamed in his eyes, temporarily blinding him. He turned his nose up, following the scent of human blood. That is where the battle would be. He ran ahead, gliding like the wind amongst the trees and brambles. He accumulated speed and whipped to the direction of the battle. As he emerged into the fight he was greeted by an enraging scene. Sabito was on the far end of the battle, commanding the troops there. Suddenly it all made sense. Sabito couldn't command on both sides, he needed someone else to command on the side he was not present on. Sanemi grinned, he pointed his Katana and charged.

* * *

Sanemi hated his father for a multitude of reasons, but one thing he was thankful for was that his father had taught him how to fight.

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